
Feature request: string replace function

MathiasVDA opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm not sure if this is the right place for it, but I have a feature request. The currently supported don't include a string replace function. I found this out when I tried to map the value "76 cm" to "76"^^xsd:decimal

I know it's possible to extend the set of function available in RML, but I think nearly everyone will be in need of this particular function.



Hmmmm that might be desired yes :)
It seems that there's already support for this in the GREL family of functions: https://github.com/FnOio/grel-functions-java/blob/90c1ddabe26d371ac1e45d91f6f7698d6519247a/src/main/resources/grel_java_mapping.ttl#L442

However, it doesn't seem documented?

CC: @ghsnd

Hhmm, there is a bug in generating the rmlio website, preventing GREL functions to be documented. Fixing it...