
IOS 17.3 issue RSD Address,port Get null

yachi666 opened this issue · 3 comments

zhinan@zhinan-m1 FakePosition-master % sh change_ios_position.sh 34.210213988584904 108.8370305299759
Command PID: 2752

Waiting for RSD Address and RSD Port...
Command has finished
RSD Address:
RSD Port:
2024-02-01 12:20:52 zhinan-m1 pymobiledevice3.cli.mounter[2769] ERROR DeveloperDiskImage already mounted
Latitude: 34.210213988584904
Longitude: 108.8370305299759
Usage: pymobiledevice3 developer dvt simulate-location set
Try 'pymobiledevice3 developer dvt simulate-location set -h' for help.

Error: Invalid value for '--rsd': '' is not a valid integer.
change_ios_position.sh: line 73: kill: (2752) - No such process


issue fix, after synchronizing the latest sh script

Sorry what do you mean by "synchronizing the latest sh script"?

Sorry what do you mean by "synchronizing the latest sh script"?

Please download the latest code~