
got crash in rocm3.0.x hsa runtime when run openCL cts image case

qishilu opened this issue · 1 comments

hi ,all
gpu and system: vega20, ubuntu 18.04
case : test_conformance/images/kernel_read_write
run command: ./test_conformance_image_streams max_images CL_FILTER_NEAREST
driver version: roc3.0.x, debug version
crash info ROCR-Runtime/src/loader/executable.cpp:1000: virtual int64_t amd::hsa::loader::LoadedCodeObjectImpl::getDelta() const: Assertion `loaded_segments.size() == 1 && "Only supports code objects v2+"' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

it's like the image-ext lib code object version not match the hsa runtime.
could you help to check it ?


it's like just some print info, not exist on release driver