
List of all images?

baryluk opened this issue · 1 comments

Only rocm/rocm-terminal image is mentioned, but not their versioning, or other images.

rocm/rocm-terminal works, but there is very little documentation what one can do with it, other than maybe rocminfo, rocm-smi and hipconfig. There are few more nice tools like rocprof, rocsys, but no binaries to actually run, or code samples to compile and run.

Would be REALLY good to have an image with full dev environments, and all examples, so one can compile examples and run them, basically with one or two commands after starting the container.

BTW. Documentation on also has broken links.

Also it has incorrect title "Install ROCm Docker containers", one does not "install" docker containers.

(THere are also other mistakes and misinformation in that page, but there are already open bugs for this)