hipblasGemmEx does not match the CPU or ROCBlas results for int8 x int8 to int32 matrix multiplication

xinyazhang opened this issue · 3 comments

The minimal testing case has been attached as
Can be compiled with g++ -I/usr/include/eigen3 -I/opt/rocm/include -Wl,-rpath,/opt/rocm/lib/ -L/opt/rocm/lib/ -lrocblas -lhipblas -lamdhip64 -o igemm_aiw

What is the expected behavior

  • "Result from hipblasGemmEx with i8 input" matches the output of "Result from Eigen with i32 data type" and "Result from rocblas_gemm_ex with i8 input"

What actually happens

  • "Result from hipblasGemmEx with i8 input" shows
    • -15 65 110 -65
    • -49 -79 -90 117
  • The reference output "Result from Eigen with i8 data type" and "Result from rocblas_gemm_ex with i32 input" both show
    • -55 16 89 -44
    • 122 -102 68 -39
  • Note the reference output matches the unit tests from onnxruntime.

How to reproduce

  • Run the unit tests


Hardware description
GPU gfx90a
CPU AMD EPYC 7542 32-Core Processor
Software version
ROCK modinfo amdgpu|grep version shows version:
ROCR v5.1.3
HCC HIP version: 5.1.20532-f592a741
Library v5.1.3

@xinyazhang Thank you for reporting this error. Fixes are in the following hipBLAS and rocBLAS commits:

  • hipBLAS: 5b1d8ff
  • rocBLAS: 335704afda003156408280bfc4d10bd2c59ff5f4

The line below is required before calling hipblasGemmEx:

hipblasSetInt8Datatype(handle, HIPBLAS_INT8_DATATYPE_INT8);

The code below shows the above call and verifies the result. Running the code

Result from rocblas_gemm_ex with i8 input
62, 74, 14, 63, 20, -85, 43, 93,
Result from hipblasGemmEx with i8 input
62, 74, 14, 63, 20, -85, 43, 93,

Without the call to hipblasSetInt8Datatype the incorrect result is:

Result from rocblas_gemm_ex with i8 input
62, 74, 14, 63, 20, -85, 43, 93,
Result from hipblasGemmEx with i8 input
-49, 147, -89, 34, 117, 20, -47, -2,

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdint.h>
#define __HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__
#include <hipblas.h>
#include <rocblas.h>
#include <vector>

#define CHECK_HIP_ERROR(error)                    \
    if(error != hipSuccess)                       \
    {                                             \
        fprintf(stderr,                           \
                "Hip error: '%s'(%d) at %s:%d\n", \
                hipGetErrorString(error),         \
                error,                            \
                __FILE__,                         \
                __LINE__);                        \
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                       \

#define CHECK_HIPBLAS_ERROR(error)                              \
    if(error != HIPBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS)                         \
    {                                                           \
        fprintf(stderr, "rocBLAS error: ");                     \
        if(error == HIPBLAS_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED)             \
            fprintf(stderr, "HIPBLAS_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED");  \
        if(error == HIPBLAS_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED)                \
            fprintf(stderr, "HIPBLAS_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED");     \
        if(error == HIPBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE)               \
            fprintf(stderr, "HIPBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE");    \
        if(error == HIPBLAS_STATUS_MAPPING_ERROR)               \
            fprintf(stderr, "HIPBLAS_STATUS_MAPPING_ERROR");    \
        if(error == HIPBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED)            \
            fprintf(stderr, "HIPBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED"); \
        if(error == HIPBLAS_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR)              \
            fprintf(stderr, "HIPBLAS_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR");   \
        if(error == HIPBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED)               \
            fprintf(stderr, "HIPBLAS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED");    \
        if(error == HIPBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_ENUM)                \
            fprintf(stderr, "HIPBLAS_STATUS_INVALID_ENUM");     \
        if(error == HIPBLAS_STATUS_UNKNOWN)                     \
            fprintf(stderr, "HIPBLAS_STATUS_UNKNOWN");          \
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");                                  \
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                                     \

int main()
    int m = 2;
    int n = 4;
    int k = 4;
    int sizeA = m*k;
    int sizeB = k*n;
    int sizeC = m*n;

    std::vector<int8_t>  hA{-3, 7, 5, -6, 4, -5, 8, 7};
    std::vector<int8_t>  hB{5, -3,  7,  8, -6, -8, -3,  6, 7,  9,  9, -5, 8,  7, -6,  7};
    std::vector<int32_t> hC(sizeC);

    int32_t alpha = 1;
    int32_t beta = 0;
    int lda = m;
    int ldb = k;
    int ldc = m;

    int8_t *da, *db, *dc;
    // Note da and db are allocated large enough for a32 and b32
    CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMalloc(&da, sizeA      * sizeof(int8_t)));
    CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMalloc(&db, sizeB      * sizeof(int8_t)));
    CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMalloc(&dc, sizeC      * sizeof(int32_t)));

    // copy matrices from host to device
    // Let's try ROC BLAS
        rocblas_handle handle;
        rocblas_operation transa = rocblas_operation_none;
        rocblas_operation transb = rocblas_operation_none;

        CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMemcpy(da,, sizeof(int8_t) * sizeA, hipMemcpyHostToDevice));
        CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMemcpy(db,, sizeof(int8_t) * sizeB, hipMemcpyHostToDevice));
        CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMemset(dc, 0, sizeof(int32_t) * sizeC ));

                        transa, transb,
                        m, n, k,
                        da, rocblas_datatype_i8_r, lda,
                        db, rocblas_datatype_i8_r, ldb,
                        dc, rocblas_datatype_i32_r, ldc,
                        dc, rocblas_datatype_i32_r, ldc, // C == D
                        0, 0);
        CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMemcpy(, dc, sizeof(int32_t) * sizeC, hipMemcpyDeviceToHost));
        std::cout << "Result from rocblas_gemm_ex with i8 input" << std::endl;
        for(int32_t i : hC){ std::cout << i << ", ";};
        std::cout << std::endl;


    // HIP BLAS
    hipblasHandle_t handle;

    // below line is needed to use int8_t datatype in place of packed_int8x4 datatype
       hipblasSetInt8Datatype(handle, HIPBLAS_INT8_DATATYPE_INT8);

    hipblasOperation_t transa = HIPBLAS_OP_N;
    hipblasOperation_t transb = HIPBLAS_OP_N;

    CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMemcpy(da,, sizeof(int8_t) * sizeA, hipMemcpyHostToDevice));
    CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMemcpy(db,, sizeof(int8_t) * sizeB, hipMemcpyHostToDevice));
    CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMemset(dc, 0, sizeof(int32_t) * sizeC));
                                      m, n, k,
                                      da, HIPBLAS_R_8I, lda,
                                      db, HIPBLAS_R_8I, ldb,
                                      dc, HIPBLAS_R_32I, ldc,
    CHECK_HIP_ERROR(hipMemcpy(, dc, sizeof(int32_t) * sizeC, hipMemcpyDeviceToHost));
    std::cout << "Result from hipblasGemmEx with i8 input" << std::endl;
    for(int32_t i : hC){ std::cout << i << ", ";};
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;

warning: 'hipblasSetInt8Datatype' is deprecated: "The hipblasSetInt8Datatype function will be removed in a future release and only int8_t datatype will be supported. packed_int8x4 datatype support will be removed." [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
hipblasSetInt8Datatype(handle, HIPBLAS_INT8_DATATYPE_INT8);

hipblasSetInt8Datatype is still required..

Is rocblas preferred over hipblas ?