
What is the Chip Grapher meant to be?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I saw that it's in the works, but I don't know what it is / what it's being made with. If we could get more details, some people might contribute to make it.

Sorry for the late response, but I was working on a circuit grapher, similar to this one. I couldn't keep my motivation and left it in an unfinished state.

Ah. So like a way to test out circuits online? Something like that is really complex, and is even harder to fit into a website. I can see why you stopped working on it, but if we ask around, get some help and a team, we could bring it back if you think it's worth reviving.

Well, you're not really testing the circuits, but it's basically for people who either want to draw out their graphs without going in game, or for those who have to explain things to the "visual learners".