
Prepare materials for session 2024-11-18/19 for ns-rse and ubdbra001

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All instructors (lead and support) need to do some preparation (especially to repos in their own accounts) if they have created materials during a previously run course. Lead instructor has some extra prep steps.

Complete as necessary (dependant on what has been created in the past).

Tick off tasks as they are completed or if they are not required.

@ns-rse setup

  • Delete git-lesson repo from instructor's GitHub account. Delete local copy if you want to use same location for demo.
  • Delete collaborative_github_exercise fork repo FROM INSTRUCTOR'S ACCOUNT ONLY. Do NOT delete the RSE-Sheffield original repo. Delete local copy (of fork!) if you want to use same location for demo.
  • [LEAD INSTRUCTOR] Clear previously submitted parameter files from params/ folder in RSE-Sheffield/collaborative_github_exercise repo. DO NOT DELETE params_tmpl.R. Synch local and remote repos.
  • Delete python-calculator repo from instructor's account. Delete local copy if you want to use same location for demo.
  • [LEAD INSTRUCTOR] Clear collaborative team formation googledoc

@ubdbra001 setup

  • Delete git-lesson repo from instructor's GitHub account. Delete local copy if you want to use same location for demo.
  • Delete collaborative_github_exercise fork repo FROM INSTRUCTOR'S ACCOUNT ONLY. Do NOT delete the RSE-Sheffield original repo. Delete local copy (of fork!) if you want to use same location for demo.
  • Delete python-calculator repo from instructor's account. Delete local copy if you want to use same location for demo.

Once all tasks are complete, please close issue.