Move Cost Assumptions in Visum Assignment Parameters to Network User Attribute

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The ABM currently has errors / inconsistencies in the generalized cost assignment parameters.
This issue is to treat the generalized cost calculation in a similar way as is done in SWIM and to move AOC and VOT assumption to a network user attribute as opposed to buried in procedure files so that the user has easier access to updating these assumptions.

I have a test running now. Cleaning this up required 6 network attributes to be added (AOC for AUTO / and TRUCK, and VOT for AUTO and TRUCK and Peak and off-peak) and 2 link attributes (AUTO and TRUCK Costs to hold the time conversion of the link length penalty / impedance).

Additionally, 5 TAZ procedure files needed to be updated to use these 8 new Visum attributes.

Test run is failing - need to continue to evaluate. As a reminder to myself for when I get back in 2020 that my testing is here - M:\ABM\20191226_SOABM

Also, I updated the wiki and the wiki updates need to be finalized once these changes are pushed -