Inconsistent treatment of non-auto speed settings

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I’m seeing three areas of inconsistent treatment:

  1. Mode speeds in the config file - vs mode speed hard coded -
  2. Related, this treatment assumes that the users has coded mode speeds correctly / consistently in Visum as well:
  3. The wiki guidance does not seem correct on this page:

The proposed solution for this issue is to change the createMazToTap function -

This function should be changed to use distance instead of time. This would make the following wiki page correct -

It would also remove the non-auto mode coded speed inconsistency. Taking out the speed coded in Visum and in the createMazToTap function, and leaving just the speed in the config file.

@bstabler and @binnympaul, is there any issue with this solution - of changing createMazToTap to use distance instead of time?