
Notes for marker

  • "src/lib/index.ts" contains all the main application logic.

  • "routes" contains the pages.

  • "lib/components" contains web components.

  • Make sure to use http and https correctly when logging in. The application contains bugs that may result in odd behaviour.

Accessing the deployed application

The application is hosted on vercel here

Self hosting application

This application needs the lts version of node in order to run.

Download node version manager using:

curl -o- | bash

Install node lts:

nvm install --lts

Use node lts:

nvm use --lts

Install dependencies:

npm i

Run app in dev mode:

npm run dev

It should be hosted at http://localhost:5173. Check your terminal for the address

Public pod provider

you can get a pod at solid community.

Self hosting pod

In a seperate working directory run:

npx @solid/community-server -c @css:config/file.json -f data/

It should be hosted at http://localhost:3000. Check your terminal for address.