feature request: allow running from other directories

roycewilliams opened this issue · 2 comments

When trying to run enumNG from another directory, certain assumptions are made about file locations. This is a very common use case that would be very helpful to add.

$ cd /my/work/dir
$ /usr/local/src/OMEN/enumNG
ERROR: Could not open createConfig, errno: 2 - "No such file or directory"
ERROR: Could not open file (createConfig)

On Unix-likes, using a fifo is a potential workaround:

$ cd /usr/local/src/OMEN
$ mkfifo fifo
$ ./enumNG -p > fifo
$ cd /my/work/dir
$ ./runthing --myinput /usr/local/src/OMEN/fifo

If you want to use the input repeatedly, loop the input into the fifo:

$ while true; do echo "Restarted: `date`"; ./enumNG -p > fifo; done
Restarted: Fri Mar 17 06:33:19 AKDT 2017
Restarted: Fri Mar 17 06:33:30 AKDT 2017
Restarted: Fri Mar 17 06:33:42 AKDT 2017
Restarted: Fri Mar 17 06:40:34 AKDT 2017

m33x commented

Currently, we are not planning to extend OMEN. It was a side project on our research on probabilistic password modeling. It was developed as a PoC, so please bear with us for its poor functionality. In my not existing free time I would love to implement the rather straightforward approach of OMEN as a JtR / Hashcat module. However, never did something like this before.

So encoding / performance / resume functionality is out of scope for this project. I already implemented the algorithm in Python once, it is really not that complicated. I wonder whether someone more familiar with JtR / Hashcat "modules" and software development in general, might be interested in collaborating. I leave the issues open, but don't expect anything soon. Took us more than 2 years to upload the source to GitHub ;-)
