
ServiceLocatorAwareInterface is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I have this error :

Deprecated: ServiceLocatorAwareInterface is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0, along with the ServiceLocatorAwareInitializer. Please update your class AssetManager\Service\AssetFilterManager to remove the implementation, and start injecting your dependencies via factory instead.

Can you fix?

@mpozzo A bit busy atm. PRs are more than welcome! :)

This is a really easy fix
In the class AssetManager\Service\AssetFilterManager

Just replace
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface; class AssetFilterManager implements ServiceLocatorAwareInterface, MimeResolverAwareInterface
class AssetFilterManager implements MimeResolverAwareInterface

This is the only thing you need to do as the Factory is already injecting the service locator

Thank you !

@RWOverdijk Thank you for your prompt response in this matter

And thank you for the help on this!