Improve parameterization in HighOrder model

FWuellhorst opened this issue · 2 comments

The model AixLib.ThermalZones.HighOrder.Rooms.BaseClasses.PartialRoomParams contains a connector, even though it should only contain parameters.
Further, the wallTypes could use the information about thermal insulation regulation to set n50 and U values based on norm. This would make the parameterization of HOM and examples easier.


Something like this:

  extends AixLib.ThermalZones.HighOrder.Rooms.BaseClasses.PartialRoomParams(
      redeclare replaceable parameter 
      AixLib.DataBase.Walls.Collections.OFD.BaseDataMultiInnerWalls wallTypes,
    n50=if TIR == 1 or TIR == 2 then 3 else if TIR == 3 then 4 else 6);

  parameter Integer TIR=1 "Thermal Insulation Regulation" annotation (Dialog(
      group="Construction parameters",
      descriptionLabel=true), choices(
      choice=1 "EnEV_2009",
      choice=2 "EnEV_2002",
      choice=3 "WSchV_1995",
      choice=4 "WSchV_1984",
  parameter Modelica.Units.SI.CoefficientOfHeatTransfer UValOutDoors=if TIR == 1 then 1.8 else 2.9
    "Thermal transmission coefficient of door";
  parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Emissivity eps_door=0.9
    "Solar emissivity of door material";
  // Dynamics
  parameter Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics energyDynamics=Modelica.Fluid.Types.Dynamics.DynamicFreeInitial
    "Type of energy balance for wall capacities: dynamic (3 initialization options) or steady state" annotation (Dialog(tab="Dynamics")); 

@TobiasSpratte What is the status on this?

The connector is removed from PartialRoomParams and added in PartialRoom.
As discussed, we don't use the information about thermal insulation regulation to set n50 and U values based on norm because thermal insulation regulation is only used in some examples.