Non-standard annotation

maltelenz opened this issue · 5 comments

This seems to be using a non-standard annotation without a vendor prefix, making it invalid Modelica:


There are many more cases spread out across the library.

This affects 38 models. 10 are already obsolete, 7 will be fixed due to the heat pump move to IBPSA. Remaining models are mostly HOM. However, the current HOM implementation should be using enumerations anyway, in my opinion.
if calcMethodOut == 1 or calcMethodOut == 2 then
What does this mean?
if calcMethodOut == calcMethodOut.DIN6946 or calcMethodOut == calcMethodOut.ASHRAEFundamentals then
is much clearer to read and understand.
For enumerations, Dymola does not support radio-button. This means using Enums would make the use obsolete.
@larissakuehn @StGoebel @KremerMartin @LauraMaier : As you are among the users of the HOM, are you in favor or against removing the buttons?

The UI would change something like this:

Instead of this:

@maltelenz : Is there an option in OM to warn about wrong annotations?

I would be fine with a drop-down menu instead of radioButtons as it is only a visual element. I would also agree with @FWuellhorst to use enumerations for better code readability.

@maltelenz : Is there an option in OM to warn about wrong annotations?

I don't know, I represent Wolfram System Modeler (which currently doesn't have a good general way to find invalid annotations).

All lot of the radioButtons were used in HOM. This was fixed in issue #1440 . Also the radioButtons in the BoundaryConditions were changed.

Remaining RadioButtons in the following 16 files:

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Controls\HeatPump\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Controls\HeatPump\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Controls\SetPoints\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Fluid\HeatExchangers\ActiveWalls\BaseClasses\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Fluid\HeatExchangers\ActiveWalls\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Fluid\HeatExchangers\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Systems\HeatPumpSystems\BaseClasses\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Systems\HeatPumpSystems\BaseClasses\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Systems\HeatPumpSystems\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\ThermalZones\ReducedOrder\Multizone\BaseClasses\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\ThermalZones\ReducedOrder\Multizone\BaseClasses\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\ThermalZones\ReducedOrder\Multizone\BaseClasses\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\ThermalZones\ReducedOrder\ThermalZone\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Utilities\Sources\HeaterCooler\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Utilities\Sources\HeaterCooler\

  • D:\phe\Git\AixLib\AixLib\Utilities\Time\