Revisit INFO-Loglevels

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Don't use INFO-loglevel on basic tasks.
Messages like

INFO:filip.clients.ngsi_v2.cb.ContextBrokerClient:Attribute 'onOffMea' of 'dt:digital_heat_pump:real_time_simulation' successfully updated!
INFO:filip.clients.ngsi_v2.cb.ContextBrokerClient:Entity successfully retrieved!

are certainly interesting, but from my point of view at a debug-level. Getting an entity is a basic operation.
A clear guideline when to use which level should be set.

@FWuellhorst defining the right level of logging is always a tricky question during the implementation of such packages. What is important and what is not important is definitely a rather subjective opinion, which totally depends on the user. From my personal point of view I like that INFO returns information about current actions. For me, DEBUG would even also return the payload for updating. hence, A little more information is important for debugging. Please, let us know if you discover any messages that a too verbose. From that point of view.

I think that this also correlates more or less to this blog: