Mark Quantumleap subscription as deprecated

Closed this issue · 5 comments

In the current release (1.0.0) QuantumLeap no longer supports Subscription as it was just for convenience.

Look here:

Therefore, we at least need to catch the error returned and afterwards check version to return a proper Error message.
Even more, give a deprectation warning that the function will be removed in the next Versions of FiLiP.

Besides, we should consider to change the default value of servicepaht to "/" QL has already fixed that in the new release

"Fiware-servicePath was interpreted as python None, from now on, None will be replaced with /. This affects only users that manually injected data, since Orion, assume / when no servicePath is passed.."

As mentioned in #239, this API has been removed in QL1.0.0. After testing the capability with QL1.0.0, all related code and test should be removed. Before that may be create a new tag like QL0.8.3

ToDo list:

  • remove subscription endpoint
  • change default servcicepath to "/"
  • support idPattern as a query parameter

I could not test whether the id_pattern parameter is working because i am not even certain it is supported in Quantumleap itself. I tried testing it but got inconsistent results.
The subscribe method of the quantumleap client is now blocked by an initial assert statment, mainly so that a well defined error could be caught when testing...
Input on how either issues can be handled in a better way is very welcome.