ADD: YAML Headers for Content Pages
rmshea opened this issue · 0 comments
rmshea commented
Why Is this Needed
GitBook removed the header language from our pages -- need to repopulate them.
Summary: Repopulate YAML headers and update for content pages
YAML structure (defined in
title: 'Title guidelines'
description: 'Description guidelines'
original-author: Isaac Newton (@appleman) < List of Original Authors' Real Name and Github; email address optional >
contributors: Leonardo Da Vinci (@leodavinci); Galileo Galilei (@ggal) < List of contributors -- Real Name + Github; email optional >
discussions-to: (GitHub PR)
status: < Draft | Under Review | Deferred | Proofing | Rejected | Withdrawn | Accepted | Superseded>
created: 1999-01-01 < ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) format >
latest-revision: 1999-01-29