
Import movies from various online sources

onedr0p opened this issue ยท 26 comments

I basically copy these from couchpotato, but if there are anymore we could possibly add them. This will require significant UI enhancement and back-end work.

List of Services you can connect to:

  • CouchPotato - Import via the CouchPotato API your wanted movies
  • Popular Movies - http://movies.stevenlu.com/
  • IMDB - From any public IMDB watchlists.
  • Trakt - Import movies from your own watchlist

Each Importer will have the following configurable options on the modal:

An import from CouchPotato function would be really, really handy for a lot of people I imagine. I know I have hundreds in there and would rather not have to add them all from scratch ;)

There is an existing little python script out there by Clinton Hall I think that exports your CP list to text file, and can reimport them if need be (it acts as a simple database backup). Could possibly tap into that (it's better than nothing).

I know it says IMDB charts, but to clarify - Does that mean public charts or is there also going to be a way to import your IMDB Watchlist?

I guess if not, we can push our Watchlist from IMDB to Trakt and pull it from there.

As long as the imdb watch list is public I don't see why not.

My bad, i realized IMDB remade how lists work a long while back which makes them public if user activates. I guess i thought Charts only means IMDB's official charts, like most popular movie, top 250, etc.

They are both on the list :)

Hummingbird is now https://kitsu.io/.

It's for anime and I'm not sure if Radarr is going to support anime movies.

SJ50 commented

Please also add language option in requirements as well, so it adds movie from certain language only gets added as wanted.

As for personal IMDb watchlists, it would be great but I'm afraid it's going to work via scraping only.

See the note here:

Balls, I just got the rss feed code written :/

yes i want it IMDb watchlists

+1 for the IMDb watchlist

what's the sitrep? watchlists are the priority and see that they have been worked on, but RSS is not the way to go (couchpotato scrapes for that)

are you continuing with watchlist integration and changing it to scrape @onedr0p?

I will get try to get IMDB charts with minimal requirements implemented - don't want to duplicate efforts :)

If it's a one time thing, you can export your watchlist to a .csv file (when logged in). Maybe that's an easy option to start with?

As for scraping like CP does, please note that there is a difference between public lists and watchlists.

Although similar, the pages look different.

Either way, it would be great to somehow import IMDb watchlists.

@whodisUK @4getit I implemented a base RSS Parser that can be used for all kinds of movie RSS feeds. To get started I thought the IMDb Watchlists can just use RSS for the time being. We can update them to use scraping for later.

The problem with the RSS feeds is that they're limited to 250. And there doesn't seem to be any logic on what the 250 are (first, last, based on sort order etc.).

@4getit That's why I am going to add Scraping later. The RSS version is just done so we can get the ball rolling on this feature. It will also help us simplify adding other sources later.

Understood. Thank you

Couchpotato and IMDb Watchlist are implemented on feature/net-import branch. Automatically adding movies is also already implemented. Only manually importing ones from list needs to be done now.

How can I test this ? (if it's possible now)
Do I need to build Radarr with the feature/net-import branch ?
I tried to change the branch in General settings from Radarr but I can't see any updates in System menu.

@PastaGringo Yeah, you would need to compile it yourself. However, I would not recommend it at this moment as it's still in an early stage.

Got it !
I will try just for fun ;)

EDIT : I confirm, it's not working for now (can't add movies) but fetches from trakt list and StevenLu are OK ;) I like the integration and hope to see this update coming! ๐Ÿ‘ ;)

Is it possible to add Letterboxd watchlists as an option for this feature?

@freshcelery For maintainability reasons, We don't want to revert to scraping the page of a website, with that said letterboxd will have a API soon. Correct me if I'm wrong, if they have a RSS Feed, let me know :)


any possibility to add from itune's RSS feed?

iTunes is on our list, do you have an example list you can share with me?

Closing issue, please open up separate issue if you want a new source added.