
🏣 An easy solution for embedding Unity WebGL builds in webApp or Vue.js project, with two-way communication between your webApp and Unity. 🏩 在webApp 或 Vue.js 项目中嵌入 Unity WebGL,并支持通过API在 webApp 和 Unity 之间进行双向通信。🏰

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Unity WebGL provides an easy solution for embedding Unity WebGL builds in your webApp or Vue.js project, with two-way communication between your webApp and Unity application with advanced API's.

UnityWebgl.js 提供了一种简单的解决方案,用于在 webApp 或 Vue.js (支持Vue2.x & Vue3.x) 项目中嵌入 Unity WebGL,并通过API在 webApp 和 Unity 之间进行双向通信。

based on react-unity-webgl


  • 💊 Simple and flexible to use
  • 📮 two-way communication (webApp, Unity)
  • 🛠 Built-in event handler
  • 🧬 Available for Vue.js (Vue@2.x & Vue@3.x)


Unity Config

  • loaderUrl: string The url to the build json file generated by Unity
  • dataUrl: string : The url to the build data file generated by Unity
  • frameworkUrl: string : The url to the framework file generated by Unity
  • codeUrl: string : The url to the unity code file generated by Unity
  • streamingAssetsUrl?: string : The url where the streaming assets can be found
  • companyName?: string : The applications company name
  • productName?: string : The applications product name
  • productVersion?: string : The applications product version
  • webglContextAttributes?: IWebGLContextAttributes : This object allow you to configure WebGLRenderingContext creation options. see MDN@WebGLRenderingContext
  • devicePixelRatio?: number : Uncomment this to override low DPI rendering on high DPI displays. see MDN@devicePixelRatio
  • matchWebGLToCanvasSize?: boolean : Uncomment this to separately control WebGL canvas render size and DOM element size. see unity3d@matchWebGLToCanvasSize

Unity Instance


  • on(eventName: string, eventListener: function)
  • once(eventName: string, eventListener: function)
  • off(eventName: string)
  • clear()
  • emit(eventName: string)

  • create(canvasElement: HTMLCanvasElement | string)
  • send(objectName: string, methodName: string, params: any)
  • setFullscreen()
  • destroy()


  • progress(value: number) : loading progress.
  • loaded() : loading completed.
  • created() : Unity instance is created.
  • destroyed() : Quits the Unity Instance and clears it from memory.

vue component


  • unity: UnityWebgl
  • width?: string|number , default: 100%
  • height?: string|number , default: 100%


npm install unity-webgl




in example.html:

<canvas id="canvas" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"></canvas>

<button onclick="onDestroy()">Destroy</button>
<button onclick="onLoad()">Reload</button>
<button onclick="onFullscreen()">Fullscreen</button>

var Unity = new UnityWebgl('#canvas', {
  loaderUrl: '/Build/unity.loader.js',
  dataUrl: "/Build/unity.data",
  frameworkUrl: "/Build/unity.framework.js",
  codeUrl: "/Build/unity.wasm"

  .on('progress', percent => console.log('Unity Loaded: ', percent))
  .on('created', () => console.log('Unity Instance: created.'))
  .on('destroyed', () => console.log('Unity Instance: Destroyed.'))

function postMessage() {
  Unity.send('objectName', 'methodName', {
    id: 'B0001',
    name: 'Building#1',
    location: [150, 75]

function onDestroy() {

function onLoad() {

function onFullscreen() {

You can also:

var Unity = new UnityWebgl({
  loaderUrl: '/Build/unity.loader.js',
  dataUrl: "/Build/unity.data",
  frameworkUrl: "/Build/unity.framework.js",
  codeUrl: "/Build/unity.wasm",
  streamingAssetsUrl: "StreamingAssets",
  companyName: "DefaultCompany",
  productName: "Unity",
  productVersion: "0.1",



in example.vue

  <Unity :unity="unityContext" width="800px" height="600px" />

import UnityWebgl from 'unity-webgl'

const Unity = new UnityWebgl({
  loaderUrl: '/Build/unity.loader.js',
  dataUrl: "/Build/unity.data",
  frameworkUrl: "/Build/unity.framework.js",
  codeUrl: "/Build/unity.wasm"

export default {
  name: 'Unity',
  components: {
    Unity: UnityWebgl.vueComponent
  data() {
    return {
      unityContext: Unity


1. Calling JavaScript functions from Unity scripts

从 Unity 脚本调用 JavaScript 函数

  1. First, you should register a showDialog method, which be bind to the __UnityLib__ global object by default.

    先在前端项目中通过 Unity.on() 注册 showDialog 方法,该方法会默认绑定在全局对象__UnityLib__上。

// # in webApp

const Unity = new UnityWebgl()
// Register functions
Unity.on('showDialog', (data) => {

// you also can call function.
Unity.emit('showDialog', data)
// or
window[Unity.global_name].showDialog(data) // 📢 Unity.global_name = __UnityLib__
  1. In the Unity project, add the registered showDialog method to the project, and then call those functions directly from your script code. To do so, place files with JavaScript code using the .jslib extension under a “Plugins” subfolder in your Assets folder. The plugin file needs to have a syntax like this:

    在Unity项目中,将注册的showDialog方法添加到项目中。注意📢 :请使用 .jslib 扩展名将包含 JavaScript 代码的文件放置在 Assets 文件夹中的“Plugins”子文件夹下。插件文件需要有如下所示的语法:

// javascript_extend.jslib

mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
  // this is you code
  showDialog: function (str) {
    var data = Pointer_stringify(str);
    // '__UnityLib__' is a global function collection.
  Hello: function () {
    window.alert("Hello, world!");

Then you can call these functions from your C# scripts like this:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {

    private static extern void Hello();

    private static extern void showDialog(string str);

    void Start() {
        showDialog("This is a string.");

2. Calling Unity scripts functions from JavaScript

使用 JavaScript 调用 Unity 脚本函数

const Unity = new UnityWebgl()

 * Sends a message to the UnityInstance to invoke a public method.
 * @param {string} objectName Unity scene name.
 * @param {string} methodName public method name.
 * @param {any} params an optional method parameter.
Unity.send(objectName, methodName, params)

// e.g. Initialize Building#001 data
Unity.send('mainScene', 'init', {
  id: 'b001',
  name: 'building#001',
  length: 95,
  width: 27,
  height: 120