
Transforms your TypeScript absolute imports to be relative

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A TypeScript transformer which enables compilation of absolute imports (using baseUrl or paths) so they can be required as modules from Javascript or TypeScript, without additional configuration or path mapping.

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Read more about why this exists and what problem it solves

How to use this package

If you're using the TypeScript compiler and using TypeScript's native "absolute imports" mapping (specifying baseUrl or paths in your config), you've found none of the compiled code is usable in Javascript or unconfigured TypeScript.


First, install ttypescript:

npm install --save-dev ttypescript

See examples/ttypescript for detail, and ttypescript's README for how to set up in your project.

Now, specify ts-transfomer-imports in your tsconfig.json:

  "compilerOptions": {
    // ...
    "plugins": [
      { "transform": "ts-transformer-imports" }

Using with ts-node, webpack, etc

See ttypescript's README for usage information with other compilers. It should work!

TypeScript API

You probably won't need this. See test for more detail.

const ts = require('typescript');
const importsTransformer = require('ts-transformer-imports').default;

const program = ts.createProgram([/* your files to compile */], {
  strict: true,
  noEmitOnError: true,
  target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5

const transformers = {
  before: [importsTransformer(program)]
const { emitSkipped, diagnostics } = program.emit(undefined, undefined, undefined, false, transformers);


I don't want to write:

// ugh, annoying on bigger projects
import isTruthy from '../../utils/isTruthy'

so TypeScript allows me write:

import isTruthy from 'isTruthy'

but tsc compiles it to:

const isTruthy = require('isTruthy')
// This makes NO SENSE to normal Javascript, or even downstream TypeScript!

So ts-transformer-import rewrites to this at compile time:

const isTruthy = require('../../utils/isTruthy')


TypeScript >= 2.4.1



Thanks to