
Package missing "./components/BackgroundImage.astro" export

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I'm using the 0.6.10 of the package and astro 1.2.2, and specify component like this:

<Img attributes={{ img: {class: "rounded-full h-40 w-40 hidden lg:block" } }} src="/src/public/assets/cat.jpg"
    alt="Hero cat image" width={180} height={180} />

However, I'm getting [vite] Internal server error: Missing "./components/BackgroundImage.astro" export in "astro-imagetools" package.

With remote images I get Failed to load https://i.picsum.photos/id/550/1024/768.jpg; Invalid image format.

Updated astro to 1.2.4 and chaged the local image import to /assets/images/cat.jpg.