
is not a valid Img Config Option

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm facing some issues with the astro-imagetools implementation.

Check this:

Since I installed this plugin on my Astro I have been experiencing this type of alert on every page that has the tag installed.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 11 50 02

My config files:
Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 11 46 30

What leads me tho die deployment to Vercel:
Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 11 47 21

Someone to help?

I am having a very similar issue here, although I am building on GitHub not Vercel.
The error is very similar:
[astro-imagetools] data-astro-cid-ivdev4kk is not a valid Picture Config Option
I am using:

  • node v21.6.2
  • astro 4.4.2
  • astro-imagetools 0.9.0
Capture d’écran 2024-02-22 à 17 18 20


i had to remove astro-imagetools, no one who can help? i would like to use it again 😞