
Wrong image src attributes, but correct in source tag and srcset

Colir opened this issue · 4 comments

I've just published a new website: https://legrostonneau-festival.fr/
When I'm scanning it with some link checker (Integrity, drlinkcheck, ...), I've got some 404 errors on image src (but the images are displayed, because the source tag and srcset are correct).
For example, I've got this link for an image tag in his src attribute "_astro/logo-pixo",
But got this in the source tag associated with this img "/_astro/logo-pixoil@228w.1a4eb20c.png" (which is correct).

I use the Picture components from 'astro-imagetools/components'.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank You

I'm facing the same issue. Were you able to fix this @Colir ?

Hi @canastro , not yet...