
File not writing after steaming competed

cjl4hd opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm getting the error:
"CreatePlayback() called for a playback that already exists. id={}, file pos={}"

I'm streaming at 1x speed. At first I thought it was a temporary file issue, so I exited the program, deleted Soggfy temp files and retried. That doesn't seem to fix it. I had been downloading files successfully before this began to happen. This error is happening on podcasts for me. I've tried clearing temp files and doing this on different streams, to no success. The program shows 6 seconds remaining on the podcast when it switches to the next one.

I cleared the cache on Spotify and it seemed to resolve this temporarily. For now I plan to run a shell script that clears the cache and then runs the injection script each time I run Spotify so this is avoided, but I thought this info might be helpful for future debugging.

I get the same thing, tried clearing my cache, but no luck.
Only happens with podcasts, music seems to download just fine.


Hi RyanU1328,

I only was able to resolve this once, temporarily, and I wasn't able to get clearing cache to work again.