
Couldn't able to dump some songs

Spectre-hidN opened this issue · 1 comments

The injection is getting succeeded, but when I try to dump some songs it doesn't work. I even tried it with admin privileges and clearing all temp files but, still no luck. Now, this happens with some songs and not all. I tried to check the logs but nothing shows up apart from the normal initialization.

Songs I tried to dump:

  • 1c2hJSwcCfoPEw1su83Sw0 (Hold My hand - Lady Gaga)
  • 7iL6o9tox1zgHpKUfh9vuC (In Da Club - 50 cent)
  • 0ky07Oq85l9zx7e427XGgC (first death - TK from Ling tosite sigure)
  • 0YU17F0BlVXvmx5ytsR43w (Monster - LUM!X)


    "blockAds": true,
    "downloaderEnabled": true,
    "embedCoverArt": true,
    "embedLyrics": true,
    "ignorelist": {},
    "outputFormat": {
        "args": "-c copy",
        "ext": ""
    "playbackSpeed": 1,
    "saveCanvas": false,
    "saveCoverArt": false,
    "saveLyrics": false,
    "savePaths": {
        "basePath": "C:\\Users\\spect\\Music\\Soggfy\\Tracks",
        "canvas": "{artist_name}/{album_name}{multi_disc_path}/Canvas/{track_num}. {track_name}.mp4",
        "episode": "Podcasts/{artist_name}/{album_name}/{release_date} - {track_name}.ogg",
        "invalidCharRepl": "unicode",
        "track": "{artist_name} - {track_name}.ogg"
    "skipDownloadedTracks": true,
    "skipIgnoredTracks": false


[DBG] FFmpeg path: C:\Personal\Utilities\Soggfy-2.5.0\ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe
[INF] Spotify version:
[DBG] [Hooks::CreatePattern] DecodeAudioData found at 0x9d1f96
[DBG] [Hooks::CreatePattern] CreateTrackPlayer found at 0x98c30c
[DBG] [Hooks::CreatePattern] SeekTrack found at 0x98e93a
[DBG] [Hooks::CreatePattern] OpenTrack found at 0x98d30d
[DBG] [Hooks::CreatePattern] CloseTrack found at 0x98bf97
[INF] Hooks were successfully installed.
[INF] Control server listening on port 28653
[INF] Injecting JS...
[INF] Ready
[INF] Incoming connection from

Everything inside Spotify is the default. Streaming quality is set to automatic.

So, I've found a workaround regarding that. Every time, I have to disable and then re-enable the downloader to save these tracks for some reason. But, for most of the songs that's not the case though.