
Spotify installation not found. Run Install.ps1 and try again.

Bookie28 opened this issue · 3 comments

i clearly installed spotify, no errors, denied ad blocker cause i have premium, and it says "Spotify installation not found. Run Install.ps1 and try again.". Why is it doing this?

uninstall spotify
then run install using "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File Install.ps1"
then send N to not install BlockTheSpot
then you can run injector.exe

something about how it can't find the installation, but installing from scratch solves this, dont know why

Try the following, I had the exact same issue with it not finding spotify

Ensure Execution Policy is Set to RemoteSigned:
Before you can run the script, you need to ensure your PowerShell execution policy allows scripts to run. Search for Powershell in a similar way to the "Command Prompt" Open PowerShell as an administrator and run: Type the followling:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Then press enter, then select Y for yes, then just trying installing Soggfy again.

Hope it helps

Don't forget to Reset your Execution Policy (optional but recommended for security):
After you've run the script, it's a good practice to reset the PowerShell execution policy to its default setting for security reasons:
Just type the following into PowerShell

Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted