
Download Issue

Mifo001 opened this issue · 3 comments

So have been using Soggfy for around a month now and love it, but for some reason it doesn't download the last song in the playlist. Any ideas? Thank you.

Seems like spotify is cutting off the playback when changing playlists somehow and soggfy never sees that the track has ended. I'll take a closer look if I get around to messing with soggfy soon, but no promises.

Maybe one way to workaround this would be to add the playlist to queue instead of using the play button, but that would not be very convenient for very long playlists.

Thank you Rafiuth, I will give that a try. Will also try adding an additional song to the playlist to see if that sorts it out.

This should've been fixed in v2.7.0. If you try it and it's still happening, please re-open this issue.