
2.7.1 Injector absolutely does not work

FailSafeNow opened this issue · 11 comments

I had a perfect, error-free installation. Here's what happened when I tried to run the injector:
Screenshot 2023-12-19 172715

Here's what happened when I ran Spotify and THEN tried to run the injector:
Screenshot 2023-12-19 172952
Screenshot 2023-12-19 173025

I had no errors whatsoever during installation. By the way, running the install bat the normal way does not work. I had to change directory to the Soggfy folder in the command prompt or else the installation failed, because it tried to look for relevant files in C:\WINDOWS\system32, so that definitely hasn't been fixed. And now, despite doing everything exactly right, I can't make the injector work.

From #92 (comment):

After running the install script in v2.7.1, Soggfy should just work whenever you launch Spotify. The injector was left as a last resort thing and it now requires that Spotify be open before using it.

I think what's happening here with the hook error is that the hijacked DLL (from the install script) has already been loaded, and running the injector will load another copy of it on the same Spotify process, but it won't find DecodeAudioData because the target function code has already been overwritten by the first DLL.

Also, the soggfy interface will fail to load in some rare launches, but will work fine after restarting Spotify (fixed but not yet released).

I'll take a look at the install script, thanks for reporting.

Where's the download button, that decides whether I'm just playing music or downloading it? I remember where it used to be in 2.5.0, and it's sure not there now.

I also don't see a download button (even though the installation says that everything is working properly).
And if I try to open Spotify and then the Injector, I get the following error:
It should be noted that the error also appears when I run the Injector as an administrator...

@YehudaEi Are you using the x64 Spotify version by any chance? Soggfy is only compatible with the 32-bit version and
and the install script will fail to account for it atm.

A possible workaround might be to either reinstall Spotify or to delete %appdata%/Spotify/Spotify.exe, and then run the install script again.

@YehudaEi Are you using the x64 Spotify version by any chance? Soggfy is only compatible with the 32-bit version and and the install script will fail to account for it atm.

A possible workaround might be to either reinstall Spotify or to delete %appdata%/Spotify/Spotify.exe, and then run the install script again.

im having the same issue as OP, i tried your solutions but noting

For me it is working well. Installed with spicetify copied Spotify from roaming folder to soggfy folder and started Soggfy\Spotify\Spotify.exe without using Injector.exe.

Downloads and spicetify are working thanks...

For me, it's random. SOMETIMES I get the download button, but most of the time I don't. It's annoying. There were times when I would have no arrow, but I would be downloading music, and I couldn't shut the download feature off. So I suspect there's a javascript trigger that's failing to fire properly. It's waiting for an event that never comes. Would be good to have more than one way of triggering the download button. Redundancy can solve these problems.

For instance, function first checks for button, and if button isn't there, it generates button. Listener checks for whether button is removed, and if it is, it puts button back. Function runs immediately, runs at window onload, runs at dom content loaded... I think that'll be enough triggers to cover it.

@FailSafeNow could you try removing the two lines highlighted in red here from the file at %appdata%/Spotify/SoggfyUIC.js?

If that doesn't fixes it, the problem might be something else, which I suspect given your description of downloads working but not the UI hooks.

(I've been meaning to get back on this but didn't realize it's been a month already. Oh well.)

@FailSafeNow could you try removing the two lines highlighted in red here from the file at %appdata%/Spotify/SoggfyUIC.js?

If that doesn't fixes it, the problem might be something else, which I suspect given your description of downloads working but not the UI hooks.

(I've been meaning to get back on this but didn't realize it's been a month already. Oh well.)

I think that did it. It seems to be working reliably now. Thank you.

This should be fixed in 2.7.2.

@Rafiuth I really apologize for not being available to comment here. I am now up to date on this thread.
Thank you very much for the correction!