
Installation is successful "Everything is okay", but songs are not downloaded, no folder is there.

disfivenumbers opened this issue · 8 comments

I've reinstalled it a few times, and it says that "Everything is Ok" and that it will be enabled on the next spotify launch, but there's no folder called Soggfy or similar, and after playing the song it doesn't give an option to see file location.

There is a Soggfy folder in appdata, but that only contains ffmpeg.exe file.

I'm having the same issue and not finding a fix - lmk if there's anything you did to remedy this!

Can you try the latest release? I guess that if it still doesn't work the problem could be AV blocking the DLL from being loaded.

not sure if related but I upgraded from 2.7.1 with spicetify trough 2.7.2 to latest 2.7.3 with spicetify and soggfy installer upgraded spotify and spicetify automacially, soggfy doesn't appear to be loading into spotify.

I got no download and option buttons on the top, I got no checkmarks next to the songs etc...

+1 same