
Translations status and requests

Rafostar opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Translations Status -> Cast to TV - Crowdin

Please update translations if you do not want to see your language mixed with English in next release.

I am always happy to add additional languages. If you want to become a translator for missing language, let me know in comments below (I must add new language to Crowdin first).

Using Crowdin for updating translations is preferred, otherwise please use an editing app like Poedit for generating files and not do it in plain text editor.


Could you add Dutch please? :-)

Dutch added ๐Ÿ‘

Dutch added

Thank you! :)

I'd like to translate the app to german!

I'd like to translate the app to german!

German added ๐Ÿ‘

I can to make the Spanish translation on Crowdin!

Can you add Romanian? ๐Ÿ˜„

Added Romanian. It unfortunately won't be included in recently released v12, that is pending review on Gnome extensions website. ๐Ÿ˜ž I will probably do a next bug-fix release in near future through.

@xedsvg @vladut3pg
The Romanian language was added to Crowdin, but nobody translated to it. Adding new lang to Crowdin automatically generates a PR with all untranslated English strings.

I do not speak Romanian and I am not going to bloat everyone's shells with loading of hundreds completely untranslated lines. If nobody is willing to translate into Romanian before next release, the language will be removed from Crowdin page. Thank you for understanding.

Also continuing this thread anymore is pointless. If somebody else wants a new translation please either message me on Crowdin directly or open a new issue using template I created.