
A simple websocket plugin for Unity (UPM)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


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A simple websocket package for the Unity Game Engine.


Requires Unity 2021.3 LTS or higher.

The recommended installation method is though the unity package manager and OpenUPM.

Via Unity Package Manager and OpenUPM

  • Open your Unity project settings
  • Select the Package Manager scoped-registries
  • Add the OpenUPM package registry:
    • Name: OpenUPM
    • URL: https://package.openupm.com
    • Scope(s):
      • com.utilities
  • Open the Unity Package Manager window
  • Change the Registry from Unity to My Registries
  • Add the Utilities.Websockets package

Via Unity Package Manager and Git url

  • Open your Unity Package Manager
  • Add package from git url: https://github.com/RageAgainstThePixel/com.utilities.websockets.git#upm

    Note: this repo has dependencies on other repositories! You are responsible for adding these on your own.


Table Of Contents

Connect to a Server

To setup a new connection, create a new instance of WebSocket and subscribe to event callbacks, and call Connect or ConnectAsync methods.

Note: WebSocket implements IDisposable and should be properly disposed after use!

var address = "wss://echo.websocket.events";
using var socket = new WebSocket(address);
socket.OnOpen += () => Debug.Log($"Connection Established @ {address}");
socket.OnMessage += (dataFrame) => {
    switch (dataFrame.Type)
        case OpCode.Text:
            AddLog($"<- Received: {dataFrame.Text}");
        case OpCode.Binary:
            AddLog($"<- Received: {dataFrame.Data.Length} Bytes");
socket.OnError += (exception) => Debug.LogException(exception);
socket.OnClose += (code, reason) => Debug.Log($"Connection Closed: {code} {reason}");

Handling Events

You can subscribe to the OnOpen, OnMessage, OnError, and OnClose events to handle respective situations:


Event triggered when the WebSocket connection has been established.

socket.OnOpen += () => Debug.Log("Connection Established!");


Event triggered when the WebSocket receives a message. The callback contains a data frame, which can be either text or binary.

socket.OnMessage += (dataFrame) => {
    switch (dataFrame.Type)
        case OpCode.Text:
            AddLog($"<- Received: {dataFrame.Text}");
        case OpCode.Binary:
            AddLog($"<- Received: {dataFrame.Data.Length} Bytes");


Event triggered when the WebSocket raises an error. The callback contains an exception which can be handled, re-thrown, or logged.

socket.OnError += (exception) => Debug.LogException(exception);


Event triggered when the WebSocket connection has been closed. The callback contains the close code and reason.

socket.OnClose += (code, reason) => Debug.Log($"Connection Closed: {code} {reason}");

Sending Messages

Sending Text

Perfect for sending json payloads and other text messages.

await socket.SendAsync("{\"message\":\"Hello World!\"}");

Sending Binary

Perfect for sending binary data and files.

var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World!");
await socket.SendAsync(bytes);

Disconnect from a Server

To disconnect from the server, use Close or CloseAsync methods and dispose of the WebSocket.
