
rake db:create error

SteveHunt opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi Guys,

I've cloned the project fine, run bundle update, then try rake db:create. Its aborting rake pointing me to the config/application.erb file to this line saying invalid address. The line that causes the error is:

Bundler.require(*Rails.groups(:assets => %w(development test)))

Any ideas?

Your issue is not specific to the rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan application. Every Rails application has that line (unless modified intentionally). What happens when you create a simple application using rails new myapp?

That works fine, I have some smaller apps running ok with the rails new command. I am really having this issue with a couple of applications I've tried to clone from GitHub - yours for example was the second. In your experience is line have any dependencies that I might't have? It appears to clone ok but fails on the db:create. If I comment out that line it'll do the db:create - but the db's are 0kb.

Take a look at this article: http://railsapps.github.com/installing-rails.html as it is likely an issue with your local development environment. Beyond that, I can't help. Stack Overflow would be a good place to ask the question.

never knew if you encountered it before, it is odd as I don't have it with some applications, but its an issue with some. Must be environment related but its like "needle in a haystack" stuff. I'll take a look at the article, thanks for your help

Leave a comment here when you sort it out, as someone else may run into it. Good luck!

Try running it with --trace and paste in the stack trace?

Sorted the issue - well it is sorted but unsure if anything else will crop up because of the solution. Ran trace and it errored a lot on a gem

gem "better_errors", ">= 0.6.0", :group => :development

So I commented that gem out of the gemfile, ran bundle install again and it all seems to work.

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