User Profile Component and View for Health Tracker Front End
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CodeDiversity commented
Describe the Feature / Enhancement
Title: User Profile Component and View for Health Tracker Front End (Updated)
User Story:
As a health tracker user, I want to have a profile component and view on the front end so that I can manage and view my personal information, including my name and email and pronouns (more fields to be added in the future potentially)
Acceptance Criteria:
- When I navigate to the profile section, I should be able to see my name and email displayed in read-only mode.
- I should be able to edit my name and email by clicking on an "Edit" button within the profile view.
- In the edit mode, I should be able to modify my name and email in separate input fields. I should also have the option to cancel the changes or save them.
- Upon saving the changes, the profile view should reflect the updated name and email information.
- The profile view should have an option to log out or switch user accounts.
Additional Considerations:
- The profile component and view should have a clean and user-friendly design, consistent with the overall health tracker application.
- The profile information should be securely stored and accessible only to the respective user.
- The profile view should be responsive and work well across different devices and screen sizes.
- The profile component should be reusable and easily integrated into the existing health tracker front-end architecture.
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