
Issue if episode number > 100

BamBalaam opened this issue · 7 comments

When tracking something over 100 episodes, ADL struggles to find the next episode.



>  |    4    Black Clover..................................................... 109 / ?


Black Clover > 0 / 

Hmm I will take a look.

Been busy.

Fixed in develop branch. I will merge into master soon-ish. You can use the adl -u to update to develop if you want or do it manually.

Awesome, thanks a lot @RaitaroH !

The fix isn't pretty though, I should find a better way to do it 😅

To be fully honest, I would not have done better.sed is quite hellish, otherwise I would have submitted a PR 😄

@BamBalaam what do you think of this. I would like this in sed but can't get it to work there ah well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

process_list()    {
  perl -pe 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g ; s/^.+?[^\s]\s+(.[^\.]*)\.+\ +(\d+).[^\d]\ (\d+|\?)\s+(\d+).+$/\1|\2|\3|\4|/g'

Can you test this a bit too? In my testing things work pretty well. In terms of speed is pretty much the same as before, somehow. In terms of readability, both solutions look horrible to me. In terms of maintenance I believe this is better.