User Management with validation

Data Structures

Array List

Data Flow

Controller -- > Controller package handels all type of Api request. our Api requests are handeled by UserController

Model --> Inside model package we store our user entity as User class

Service--> Inside the service package,we write all type of the business logic inside UserService

Repo -->Inside the Repo Package there is a UserRepo calss which stores Our Data sourece. And we use ArrayList As data Source


1 . Api for Adding user ---> "localhost:8080/users" and type of the api is POST and Api request for user body and the user body is given trough Requestbody

2. Api for getting all Users--> "localhost:8080/users" and type of the Api is GET

3. Api for getting a Specific user --> "localhost:8080/users/userId/{userId}" and the Api is reponsible for returning a specific user based on Input UserId and Type of the Api is GET

4. Api for updating a specific user --> "localhost:8080/users/userId/{userId}", the api Api is Responsible for updating a specific user by Input User of having userId equals to input userId and the type of the Api is PUT

5. Api for Deleting a Specific user --> "localhost:8080/user/userId/{userId}", the Api deletes a Specific user of having userId equal to userId and the type of the Api is DELETE

Git Commands

$ git init
$ git status
$ git add
$ git commit -m "rakeshCommit"
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin master