lag while scrolling using default configuration
Opened this issue · 7 comments
#Description of issue
I load the plugin via Packer
use { 'Raku/vim-raku' }
I run :PackerUpdate.
The next time I launch vim, it looks like everything is working except that I experience massive lag while scrolling up and down in the buffer. Sometimes I also get the lag when entering new text.
The lag feels like up to a second for each keystroke. It is prohibitive to any sort of editing raku files.
File sizes are only a few hundred lines.
Here is the output of syntime report after scrolling up and down for a bit on a 160 line raku file:
Output of vim --version
NVIM v0.7.0-dev+1135-gfdea15723
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compiled by kleb@klebs-MacBook-Pro.local
Features: +acl +iconv +tui
See ":help feature-compile"
system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/Cellar/neovim/HEAD-fdea157/share/nvim"
#profile output
I compare the grammar benchmark to one for another language (in this case, rust -- much faster) with a similar match count
one thing i notice (found in the profile output), is that we spend quite a bit of time in highlight_match_pair
count total (s) self (s) function
1304 9.013860 8.962009 <SNR>60_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
16 2.091379 0.169232 <SNR>1_LoadFTPlugin()
16 0.223840 0.070922 <SNR>8_SynSet()
2653 0.062753 <SNR>139_compareReverseFtime()
1318 0.052102 <SNR>60_Remove_Matches()
16 0.031767 0.027725 <SNR>2_LoadIndent()
7 0.012497 0.000502 FugitiveDetect()
7 0.008363 0.001653 fugitive#Init()
7 0.003633 0.002679 FugitiveExtractGitDir()
14 0.002450 <SNR>138_map()
7 0.002341 <SNR>138_define_commands()
7 0.001133 <SNR>11_isAnsible()
28 0.000845 FugitiveIsGitDir()
21 0.000635 nerdtree#checkForBrowse()
7 0.000611 0.000314 <SNR>138_SetupTemp()
1 0.000509 0.000133 <SNR>138_AutoReloadStatus()
7 0.000371 0.000279 <SNR>138_DirCommitFile()
14 0.000336 <SNR>37_Swift()
1 0.000331 fugitive#ReloadStatus()
7 0.000297 0.000229 <SNR>138_cpath()
count total (s) self (s) function
1304 9.013860 8.962009 <SNR>60_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
16 2.091379 0.169232 <SNR>1_LoadFTPlugin()
16 0.223840 0.070922 <SNR>8_SynSet()
2653 0.062753 <SNR>139_compareReverseFtime()
1318 0.052102 <SNR>60_Remove_Matches()
16 0.031767 0.027725 <SNR>2_LoadIndent()
7 0.003633 0.002679 FugitiveExtractGitDir()
14 0.002450 <SNR>138_map()
7 0.002341 <SNR>138_define_commands()
7 0.008363 0.001653 fugitive#Init()
7 0.001133 <SNR>11_isAnsible()
28 0.000845 FugitiveIsGitDir()
21 0.000635 nerdtree#checkForBrowse()
7 0.012497 0.000502 FugitiveDetect()
14 0.000336 <SNR>37_Swift()
1 0.000331 fugitive#ReloadStatus()
7 0.000611 0.000314 <SNR>138_SetupTemp()
7 0.000371 0.000279 <SNR>138_DirCommitFile()
14 0.000257 <SNR>138_can_diffoff()
7 0.000297 0.000229 <SNR>138_cpath()
here are the first few lines of the raku :syntime report
4.643822 1283 0 0.035831 0.003620 rakuStringAuto
0.967684 1298 30 0.004870 0.000746 rakuNumber
0.959792 1283 0 0.005042 0.000748 rakuTypeConstraint
0.866801 1579 0 0.003788 0.000549 rakuMatchBare
0.752256 3180 1927 0.002983 0.000237 rakuKeywordStart
0.729245 1283 0 0.004003 0.000568 rakuNumber
0.695617 1283 0 0.004114 0.000542 rakuType
0.682181 1368 28 0.003353 0.000499 rakuIdentifier
0.681406 1475 192 0.004800 0.000462 rakuTypeConstraint
0.454782 1283 0 0.003427 0.000354 rakuNumber
0.432775 1396 56 0.002872 0.000310 rakuIdentifier
0.363575 601 0 0.004196 0.000605 rakuInclude
0.349422 1283 0 0.002270 0.000272 rakuStringAuto
and the rust:
0.176871 1182 0 0.000982 0.000150 rustCommentLinesDocRustCode
^\z(\s*//[!/]\s*```\)[^A-Za-z0-9_-]*\%(\%(should_panic\|no_run\|ignore\|allow_fail\|rust\|test_harness\|compile_fail\|E\d\{4}\|edition201[58]\)\%( [^A-Za-z
0.107862 1162 0 0.001534 0.000093 rustFloat
0.058487 2384 1248 0.001287 0.000025 rustOperator
0.055823 1854 692 0.000754 0.000030 rustDecNumber
0.049141 1162 0 0.000679 0.000042 rustFloat
0.031895 1162 0 0.000821 0.000027 rustLabel
0.023126 1182 0 0.000690 0.000020 rustCommentBlockDocRustCode
^\z(\%(\s*\*\)\?\s*```\)[^A-Za-z0-9_-]*\%(\%(should_panic\|no_run\|ignore\|allow_fail\|rust\|test_harness\|compile_fail\|E\d\{4}\|edition201[58]\) \%([^A-Z
0.022369 1162 0 0.000640 0.000019 rustFloat
0.018462 1260 98 0.000751 0.000015 rustLifetimeCandidate
0.017779 2131 955 0.000969 0.000008 rustFuncCall
0.015714 1182 0 0.000961 0.000013 rustString
0.015679 1295 113 0.000555 0.000012 rustMacro
0.014226 1182 0 0.000250 0.000012 rustKeyword
0.014074 1162 0 0.000500 0.000012 rustFloat
0.013548 1182 0 0.000639 0.000011 rustDefault
0.013538 1303 121 0.000228 0.000010 rustModPath
0.013410 1182 0 0.000288 0.000011 rustFuncCall
0.012465 1182 0 0.000328 0.000011 rustCommentLinesDocNonRustCode
i suppose the questions I have are the following:
- is this expected behavior?
- if not, what is the expected behavior and how do I access it?
- if yes, how do we improve performance? (ie, which regex construction need to be optimized? how do we optimize them?)
i found a workaround:
au BufRead,BufNewFile */perl6/site* set filetype=python
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pm6,*.p6,*.t6,*.pod6,*.raku,*.rakumod,*.rakudoc,*.rakutest set filetype=python
I found MatchParen to be a big contributor to this lag, as a workaround I put autocmd FileType raku NoMatchParen
in my vimrc. let g:matchparen_timeout = 5
works OK too.