
Fast-Ping Sweep (recommendations or tricks)

CountDClemo opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to only use PowerShell to conduct a ping sweep and I want to perform the fastest ping sweep possible.

I found a quick single line script from “https://learn-powershell.net/2011/01/31/quick-hits-ping-sweep-one-liner/” and leveraged invoke-parallel in place of foreach (%). Also, I added Where-Object {$_ -like "True"} to filter out the false and/or non-pingable IPs.

So far, I can ping sweep a /24 in about 20 to 25 seconds. I want to know if anyone else has any recommendations or tricks to cut the time down (if possible) only using PowerShell.

I am looking into building a branch with a PowerShell based GUI that leverages invoke-parallel to ping sweep subnets and port scan live IPs to validate findings of other commercial and/or opensource networking products.

Script block:

#Very short Script block used with invoke-parallel function
#Requires change of the IP ranges to meet pinged area subnet.
#There are wildcards on each side of the word True. See bottom of the attached Fast-Ping.txt

1..254 |

Invoke-Parallel {

$IPsping = '192.168.3.'

"$IPsping$($): $(Test-Connection -count 1 -comp $IPsping$($) -quiet)" |

Where-Object {$_ -like "True"}}



Try this custom class from Trevor Jones.



Thank you,
I can see some parts of the script that I can pull from to target IP ranges vs get-adcomputer. Also, I see the function "Invoke-MultiThreadedCommand" can provide a similar result to invoke-parallel. Very interesting and again think you for the info very helpful.