
How to use SlickReportField.prepare?

alxvallejo opened this issue · 2 comments

Confused by the documentation here.

I want a column that filters on my model by a certain field value:


Where do I put this and how do I tell my Sum field to use this prepare method?

Thank you for the question, i'll take another round at the documentation.

class CustomReportField(SlickReprotField):
    calculation_method = Sum
    def prepare(self, q_filters=None, kwargs_filters=None, **kwargs):
        kwargs_filters = kwargs_filers or {}
        kwargs_filter['some_model__field'] = 'some Value'

        # Or using Q operators, which gives the ability for more complex clauses
        q_filters = q_filters or []
        q_filters.append(Q(some_model__field='some_value') | Q(some_model__field='other_value') )
        return super(SlickReportField, self).prepare(q_filters, kwargs_filters, **kwargs)

Then in views

class MyView(SlickReportView):
    columns = ['column1', 'column2', CustomReportField ]
    # ... 

Let me know how it goes

Hello There 👋

I added this part in the documentation https://django-slick-reporting.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/computation_field.html#customizing-the-calculation-flow

Will continue on enhancing it with examples.
