Help with transaltions
RamonUnch opened this issue · 94 comments
Dear users
AltSnap is fully translated. however I can only update English French and Italian.
All the other translations are partial, because I do not speak those languages at all.
So if you are familiar with a language and you are willing to help with the project, then I would be very thankful if you could spend some time to complete/improve a current language or even create a new one.
If you want to help with this, go to the Lang directory of AltSnap and edit the ini file you want to improve directly in this folder. look at _en_US baseline.txt
that contains all the strings in English, that you can use as a reference for missing strings.
The format is very simple, it is a simple ini file with the [Translation]
section. For example:
AdvancedFullScreen=Enable on &full screen windows
You can edit with Notepad or any other text editor that supports Unicode.
It must be encoded in UTF-16 LE but you can give me any other encoding, I will convert, so do not worry about it...
Do not forget to credit yourself in the "Author=" list
To try your translation, just select it in AltSnap. If it is already selected, select an other language and select it again to force AltSnapg to reload it. Double check that the text is not too long and fits inside the dialog.
Naming convention:
fr_FR.ini --> French from France;
- Keep in mind that if you want a carriage return in your string you can use '\n' sequence.
- You can set a shortcut key by prefixing a character with the '&' symbol. try to have no conflict with other shortcuts. for instance on the above example the shortcut to enable/disable the feature will be the
because of the '&full screen'.
Once you are happy with your improved translation, send it to me in some way: a new pull request, a new issue or even in this thread, this does not matter. Only your translation does.
I thanks here again TroudhuK for his help with the French translation.
Also thanks to yatli, 1kko and Ichisich for their very regular updates.
If you have any questions do not hesitate.
EDIT: Updated _en_US_baseline.txt (right click ->> Save link as...)
EDIT: Updated zip of all langs
EDIT: Dev builds of AltSnap:
I just updated russian translation to 1.39. But I could not find 'InputHotkeysMore' key in '_en_US baseline.txt'.
I just updated russian translation to 1.39. But I could not find 'InputHotkeysMore' key in '_en_US baseline.txt'.
Thanks very much. I will fix that.
Do you plan also on translating the advanced tab? Maybe this is a bit too much.
EDIT: Also I very slightly increased the size of the text box for the InputHotclicksMore so that your translations fits perfectly.
@RamonUnch thank you for your efforts!
I can take care of zh-CN.
In the next release you will have a new action:
InputActionMenu=Action menu
And you should add an accelerator key to those actions that will be in the menu.
InputActionClose=&Close window
InputActionMinimize=Mi&nimize window
InputActionMaximize=Ma&ximize window
InputActionLower=&Lower window
InputActionAlwaysOnTop=Toggle always on &top
InputActionBorderless=Toggle &Borderless
InputActionCenter=C&enter window on screen
InputActionRoll=&Roll/Unroll window
If possible for the Close, Maximize, and Minimize actions, check the default of Windows in the sysmenu on the given language.
FYI Windows 10 hides the accelerators by default. You'll have to press Alt then release to show them -- although still not very readable (see the underlines):
This is triggered by right clicking a title bar.
These accelerators also work on the taskbar -- however in the latest versions it's always hidden...
You can also hit Alt+Space on any window.
I like to enable the underlined letters even without pressing Alt, there is an option:
in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Ease of Access Center\Make the keyboard easier to use
X Underline keyboard shortcuts and access keys
I really have no idea why MS decided from Win200 that those accelerators would be hidden by default. Because of this I see plenty of people spending several seconds looking into long popups menu and they could save plenty of time if they new about the accelerators. I suggest anyone to give a try to this option.
EDIT: You can also use this reg:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Preference]
This is normal, the next release will strip them out before display in this dialog. Here is a beta.
Those accelerators are for the new action that consists in a context menu that allows you to select any action in the list of my previous post.
Release for developers: EDIT Check first post
Action menu in action:
Note that you will not see the underlined letters unless you activate the previously mentioned option under Windows.
Pressing ESC or Alt kills the menu so do not bother with accelerators fro the "Nothing", this would only conflict potentially in the future with additional actions.
- This one 'Nothing' would have no accelerators as I said.
- To avoid having duplicates ie: InputHotkeysLeftAlt2 , I just modified AltDrag.exe to strip shortcuts here too, so that you no longer have to define
and so on. See again _en_US baseline in the first post.
Also the '2' are removed from Ctrl and Shift.
I put the dev in the First post.
I am sorry to make this a bit complicated but new features are always more work and for future translations it will be actually simpler.
Sorry, I missed links from the 1st post. Here is a translation for new string in ru_RU
InputActionMenu=Меню &действий
Perfect, I will update the ru_RU.ini
with your modifications.
You did not miss anything, I just updated the first post again after your post.
For the Lower action I put 'Н' as a hotkey:
InputActionLower=&На задний план
Is that good for you? you did not assign any in the blue image you posted.
@yatli I count on you for the translation of your ActionMenu verb as well as for the choice of the accelerators in the menu.
I updated the zh_CN.ini
file when it comes to the suppression of key duplicates.
For en_US baseline, I recommend:
InputActionClose=&Close window
It's a joy to use Alt+MMB then C to clean up a messy session.
InputActionClose=&Close window
Fixed. It was correct in the languages.h but not the _en_US_baseline.txt
I aslo made a small modification to AltDrag.exe so that the accelerators at the end of a string between parenthesis like you do in your translation are stripped in the drop lists.
Noticed that. Was wondering why WIN32 is so smart :D
New Kill action.
InputAggressiveKill=&Kill process on Ctrl+Alt+F4\nAlso adds the kill option to the action menu
InputActionKill=&Kill program
Use with Caution, it uses the TerminateProcess function. See first post for beta build
New test window:
AdvancedTestWindow=Test &Window
InputActionLower=&На задний план
Is that good for you? you did not assign any in the blue image you posted.
Absolutely good. To be honest I use most of the programs in eng translation as it [english] takes less space on a screen. So my hotkeys are mostly english.
Translation of new strings.
InputAggressiveKill=&Убить процесс по Ctrl+Alt+F4\nТакже это действие можно поставить на кнопки
InputActionKill=&Убить процесс
AdvancedTestWindow=Тестовое &окно
While trying to translate Advance Tab, I realized that did not understand the meaning of some options. Could you take a little time to explain them?
What is "doubleclick aero snapping"?
AdvancedAeroDBClickShift=Invert shift &behavior for doubleclick aero snapping
What does it mean "left-click while moving"?
AdvancedMaxWithLClick=&Toggle maximize state with left-ckick while moving
@bigcrush try Alt + RMB double click on a window, it snaps the window based on the mouse position relative to the window
What does it mean "left-click while moving"?
I don't know.. LMB is already pressed while moving.
Clicking RMB during move indeed maximizes a window.
@yatli Thank you so much.
AdvancedCenterFraction=Размер &центральной области (%):
AdvancedAeroHoffset=Aero (%) по &гориз.:
AdvancedSnapThreshold=Чувств. &стыковки (пиксели):
AdvancedAeroThreshold=Чувств. &Aero (пиксели):
AdvancedMultipleInstances=Позволять несколько эк&земпляров AltDrag
AdvancedAutoRemaximize=Автоматом распахивать &окна при смене монитора
AdvancedNormRestore=Восстанавл. пристыкованные окна при &перемещении
AdvancedAeroTopMaximizes=Распахивать окна, &стыкованные к верху монитора
AdvancedAeroDBClickShift=shift-ом менять пове&дение для 2-х кликового Aero snap
AdvancedMaxWithLClick=&Распахивать окно правой кнопкой при перемещении
AdvancedRestoreOnClick=Восстанавл. окно одино&чным кликом(как ориг. AltDrag)
AdvancedFullScreen=Разрешить на по&лноэкранных окнах
(btw "Test Window" button has no a language string)
@bigcrush Thanks again for your work.
What is "doubleclick aero snapping"?
Hold Alt and double-right-click on a window and it will position it like if it was aero snapped on the side/corner of the monitor you double clicked the window on.
Now hold Alt+Shift and double-right-click on the window and it will extend the side/corner of the window to the monitor.
There is an option to invert the shift behavior. ie: Extend window border without shift and require shift for the other 'normal' aero snapping.
What does it mean "left-click while moving"?
You are right it is the right-click while moving. I will fix the English too (edit: done).
(btw "Test Window" button has no a language string)
It should be fixed in the release 1.40, I made a typo at some point. the same string is used for the window title and the button and is AdvancedTestWindow
, you already translated it.
Thanks this is awesome!
Have a look at the Dev AltDrag build in the first post, if you want to translate the options that will be present in 1.43.
AdvancedAeroSpeed=Ma&x snapping speed (pixels):
AdvancedMoveTrans=Opacit&y when moving:
New option: in v1.44
GeneralSmartAero=Smart Aero Sna&p dimensions
GeneralStickyResize=Resi&ze other snapped windows with Shift
InputMouseHScroll=Scroll wheel (&horizontal):
InputActionHScroll=Horizontal scroll
InputScrollLockState=Enable/Disable AltDrag based on &Scroll lock state
I made a German translation, which is almost finished (1.46).
There's only one entry I'm not sure how to translate:
Invert shift behavior for double-click aero snapping
Can someone explain what this does?
Invert shift behavior for double-click aero snapping
As far as I can tell, this one controls Alt-double right click behavior -- by default, without double-rmb without shift = one-side snap to the screen boundary, and with shift=snap both sides (maximize width/height, depending the area you click)
Edit: see Ramon's reply below :)
Double left click behavior isn't affected -- no shift = maximize, with shift = roll up, with ctrl = minimize
Invert shift behavior for double-click aero snapping
When you hold Alt and double-right-click on a window, it is aerosnapped to the corresponding side/corner corner you double-clicked. If you do Alt+Shift, the borders are extended instead, this option inverts the efects of shift and when checked you have to press shift when you want to aerosnap and the windows borders are extended by default.
Have a look atthe wiki if you have not already.
New AltSnap, soon to be released.
test builds:
GeneralUseZones=Snap to Layo&ut with Shift (configure with tray menu)
MenuSaveZones=&Save test windows as snap layout
InputMouseBtAc1=&1. Primary
InputMouseBtAc2=&2. Alternate
InputGrabWithAltB=Acti&on without click (alt):
InputHotkeysModKey=Modifier key for al&ternate action:
InputActionMaximizeHV=Maximize &Vertically
AdvancedTitlebarMove=&Use AltSnap for normal titlebar movement
AdvancedFancyZone=Restore Fancy&Zones snapped windows
MiscZoneConfirmation=Erase old snap layout and save current Test Windows positions as the new snap layout?
Did you ditch the restore AltSnapped window with AltSnap move option?
Sorry I was not clear, the option should be still there, named "Use AltSnap for normal titlebar movement", however I cannot use the alternate titlebar code because it create a regression on title-bar detection for some programs like SumatraPDF, So I restored the previous beavior.
I will add a list of windows for which an exception should be made and the alternate code will be used. This will be usefull for buggy apps that cannot handle the WM_NCHITTEST
Glad to hear, but I'm referring to SmartAero=+4 (and +2)
I wasn't sure if you were planning to include them in the GUI.
I am not sure if I should include them in the GUI, it is already quite crowded with quite obscure options.
Probably I should include it by separating the Metrics and advanced tab. This will be for later...
The +2 and +4 are still support and I do not plan on abandoning them because they are nice features.
The snapping still has the same bug that you reported though, but there is only so much I can do at a time. I am trying now to clean everything up and make a release before modifying too much, because for sure there will be bugs.
No sweat, just wanted to make sure there was no oversight right before 1.47 finishes.
You can also hit Alt+Space on any window.
Except, I can't on most windows when Alt-Snap (from the releases page) is active? If I press Alt at all, it makes the window transparent, and doesn't do Alt+Space. Alt+Space, M
is a muscle memory shortcut for me to minimise a window, can you figure out how to trigger that context menu? I think it might work on some windows, but not most (especially Firefox Release).
If you use the Action without click set to something else than nothing, AltSnap action does not wait for a click, if you want to use Alt+Space you need to disable AltSnap or use the Winkey as a hotkey or a key combo or try to hit space twice.
Action without click is a lot more intrusive because AltSnap has to grab the window on a single keyboard event this is why I recommend using a key combo.
Otherwise without AltSnap enabled most windows should have the system menu, open notepad or the test window if you want to be 100% sure it has a system menu.
New in AltSnap 1.48 you will have the Minimize other windows mouse Action:
You can tranlsate:
InputActionMinAllOther=Minimize &other windows
New strings:
GeneralSmarterAero=Smarter Aer&o Snap dimensions
AdvancedNoRestore=Never restore AltSna&pped windows
New options in 1.49 test build (1st post):
InputMouseLongClickMove=Mo&ve windows with a long left-click
AdvancedBLMaximized=&Disable AltSnap on Maximized windows
Test build of AltSnap 1.50, I think it is almost ready for release.
@CJYKK you may also be interested, you seemed motivated to translate
New translations:
GeneralPiercingClick=Avoi&d blocking Alt+Click (disables AltSnap double-clicks)
InputActionMute=Mute &sounds
InputActionSideSnap=&Snap to side/corner
InputMouseINTTB=&Title bar
InputMouseTTBActionBox=Use specific actions when clicking the Title bar
InputMouseTTBActionNA=Without hot&key
InputMouseTTBActionWA=&With hotkey
-InputMouseLowerWithMMB=&Lower windows by middle clicking on title bars
-InputMouseRollWithTBScroll=Ro&ll/Unroll windows with Alt+Scroll on title bar
-AdvancedNormRestore=Restore AltDrag snapped windows with &normal move
-AdvancedTitlebarMove=&Use AltSnap for normal titlebar movement
-GeneralFullWin=&Drag full window
New verb to translate for v1.52 (mostly bugfix release):
MiscZoneTestWinHelp=To setup Snap layout:\n1) Open several of those Test Windows\n2) Dispose them as you please\n3) Hit the *&Save test windows as snap layout* option in the tray menu
It appears in the Test Window when the Snap layout is enabled.
AltSnap 1.53 soon to be released:
Test builds:
GeneralResizeCenterClose=Clos&est side
Then for the new key menu option:
InputUniKeyHoldMenu=Pop&up an extended character menu when holding an alphabetic key down
Finally you can modify if needed the extended key menu:
Default was made with Latin languages in mind:
; List of characters that populate the extended key menu
; No separator between each letter, just the list...
; All char should be set lower-case if applicable
; You can put a % to include a sparator, I used it to separat LATIN-1 from unicode characters
; Use lowercase|UPPERCASE if Windows can not convert a letter by himself, you should set
; ie: a|Ab|bc|c. In general it is not needed but Windows is buggy for some characters
; for instance It is required for ȧ|Ȧ, ȭ|Ȭ but not needed for ṓ ask MS why...
; it is not a problem if you over-do it and specify x|X even if x uppercasing is handled by MS.
Edit more details on this in this issue #181
I haven't changed the content of the menu itself, due to the romance languages already covering almost everything the German language has to offer, besides, ü ä ö € are already included.
But I made a remark in the options that you can change the content of the menu in the language.ini and clarified/condensed your ; text
Thanks a lot for your super fast update.
InputActionZoom=Zoom window
InputActionZoom2=Zoom window 2
InputActionNStacked=Next stacked window
InputActionNStacked2=Next laser stacked window
InputActionPStacked=Previous stacked window
InputActionPStacked2=Previous laser stacked window
InputActionNPStacked=Next/Prev stacked window
InputActionStackList=Stacked windows list
InputActionMLZone=Move to the left zone
InputActionMTZone=Move to the top zone
InputActionMRZone=Move to the right zone
InputActionMBZone=Move to the bottom zone
InputActionXLZone=Extend to the left zone
InputActionXTZone=Extend to the top zone
InputActionXRZone=Extend to the right zone
InputActionXBZone=Extend to the bottom zone
InputHotkeysShortcuts=S&hortcut for action:
InputHotkeysShortcutsPick=Pick &keys
InputHotkeysShortcutsClear=Clear ke&ys
InputHotkeysUsePtWindow=Apply to the &pointed window
InputMouseMoveUp=Long &drag-free Move:
InputMouseResizeUp=Long drag-&free Resize:
AdvancedSnapGap=Snapping &gap (pixels):
AdvancedTopmostIndicator=Show an i&ndicator on always on top windows
There are some additional entries:
InputActionPause=Programm pausieren
InputActionResume=Programm fortsetzen
InputActionMLZone=Verschiebe in die linke Zone
InputActionMTZone=Verschiebe in die obere Zone
InputActionMRZone=Verschiebe in die rechte Zone
InputActionMBZone=Verschiebe in die untere Zone
InputActionXLZone=Erweitere in die linke Zone
InputActionXTZone=Erweitere in die obere Zone
InputActionXRZone=Erweitere in die rechte Zone
InputActionXBZone=Erweitere in die untere Zone
New dev build of AltSnap:
new translations:
InputActionRestore=Restore window
InputActionASOnOff=S&uspend/Resume AltSnap
InputActionMoveOnOff=Movement dis&abled
InputActionStackList2=Laser stacked windows list
InputActionAltTabList=Windows List
InputActionOriClick=Send ori&ginal click
InputActionExtendSnap=Extend to monitor side/corner
InputActionStepL=Step left
InputActionStepT=Step up
InputActionStepR=Step right
InputActionStepB=Step down
InputActionSStepL=Small step left
InputActionSStepT=Small step up
InputActionSStepR=Small step right
InputActionSStepB=Small step down
Probably the release will come for newt week-end.
InputActionOriClick=Send ori&ginal click
Can't find this entry in the GUI.
Updated. kudos!
InputActionOriClick=Send ori&ginal click
Can't find this entry in the GUI.
The only case the option appears is when you popup the action menu without pressing a hotkey, (extra mouse button or titlebar action).
The shortcut for action
menu is too small to contain all entries at the same time.
The small step
entries aren't visible without scrolling downward with the arrow key.
Problem is, that there is currently no indicator that this is even possible.
I will add a scroll bar then.
New dev builds of AltSnap:
One new entry for the tray menu and an entry that should be modified.
MenuOpenIniFile=&Open ini file...
-AdvancedCenterFraction=&Center fraction (%):
+AdvancedCenterFraction=&Center/Sides fraction (%):
Quite minor update, hopefully I did not forget any strings.
latest beta release (hopefully it will be released soon)
InputActionNPStacked2=Next/Prev laser stacked window
InputActionExtendTNEdge=Extend to next edge
InputActionXTNLEdge=Extend to the next left edge
InputActionXTNTEdge=Extend to the next top edge
InputActionXTNREdge=Extend to the next right edge
InputActionXTNBEdge=Extend to the next bottom edge
InputActionMoveTNEdge=Move to next edge
InputActionMTNLEdge=Move to the next left edge
InputActionMTNTEdge=Move to the next top edge
InputActionMTNREdge=Move to the next right edge
InputActionMTNBEdge=Move to the next bottom edge
InputMouseWhileM=Whil&e moving
InputMouseWhileR=While resi&zing
MenuEmptyZone= (empty)
MenuSnapLayout=Snap layout &
-InputHotclicksMore=Checked buttons will not be usable outside of AltSnap. They can be combined with an action.
+InputHotclicksMore=A checked button can be combined with an action but it will always be blocked in this case.
I hope I did not forget any verbs.
MenuSnapLayout=Snap layout &
Doesn't seem to get recognized.
Doesn't get translated anymore.
Missing entry;
MenuSnapLayout=Snap layout &
Doesn't seem to get recognized.Regression:
Doesn't get translated anymore.Missing entry;
You got a keen eye indeed. I fixed the GeneralInactiveScroll
0e509c1 and the MenuSnapLayout
9a94e94 problems.
I am unsure what the problem with the rest, you already translated the AboutAuthor
and the AboutLicense
Indeed you are right I must make this part translatable, I will add AboutAuthor2
EDIT fixed 08bd0f9
Been a while, lots of new features, thanks!
Things I haven't get my head around of:
What is "long drag-free move/resize"? A long distance or a long time?
Thanks a lot for your contribution again.
Things I haven't get my head around of:
What is "long drag-free move/resize"? A long distance or a long time?
It is all about timing, the selected action will be triggered on button release if you hold the move/resize action without dragging for more than a double click delay.
ie set Minimize as long drag-free move and Press Alt+Click, wait a little, then release click and the window will minimize.
Got it. However I cannot activate this functionality (1.59, win11) -- nothing happens if I alt-click and hold, and release.
I do see the mouse pointer blink if I long click any title bar (but still, nothing happens).
Only one new action for next release 1.60:
InputActionAltTabFullList=All windows list
The verb is already translated in zh_CN
1.60rc1 pre-release:
I have 2 issues.
- Just trivial issue:
_en_US basline.txt
has 1.59 version in the header, should be 1.60. - line 231 and 232 shares same key
is it intended?
- Just trivial issue:
_en_US basline.txt
has 1.59 version in the header, should be 1.60.
Thanks I will fix it.
- line 231 and 232 shares same key
is it intended?
The second one Should be AboutAuthor2
1.60 Update for Korean.
Thanks for maintaining! @RamonUnch
Next release of AltSanp will just have two extra verbs:
MenuEditLayout=Edi&t snap layout
InputActionFocus=Focus window
I will maybe make a couple more tweaks before 1.61 release but no extra features.
Test build of AltSnap1.62 hopefully soon released:
InputActionFocusL=Focus left window
InputActionFocusT=Focus top window
InputActionFocusR=Focus right window
InputActionFocusB=Focus bottom window
GeneralAutostartElevateTip=Note that a UAC prompt will appear every time you log in, unless you disable UAC completely or use the Task Scheduler.\nTo setup a Scheduled task for this purpose, you can use the sch_On.bat batch files in Altsnap's folder.