
Issue with installation

madhubantimukherjee opened this issue · 7 comments

HI, while installing polyGNN with a virtual environment, we face the following issue:

Could you please help us out?
Thanks in advance!

Hi @madhubantimukherjee I do not have that issue.

What is the output of git log in the root directory?

Thank you. It looks like you have the latest version, so no problem there. It is strange because I am able to set up polygnn with no problem on T2. Any idea why this may be?

If not, I ask that you delete the polygnn directory and start over with the installation. Please send me each command and the outputs. The first command I'm interested in is which poetry. After that, you can start from Step 2 of the README.

Thanks! Is it because we are using python3.9? not sure! I have attached all the commands and corresponding outputs. Please have a look


Hi @madhubantimukherjee, that may be the cause! Can you try using Python3.7?

Yeah that was the issue I guess. So with python 3.7 I successfully installed it. Thanks! However, does it only work with python 3.7? It seems so

Yes, it only works with 3.7.

I will close the issue since it has been resolved.