
How to install Postgresql in proot-distro?

ask9027 opened this issue · 3 comments

Recently i installed Postgresql in ubuntu(Termux) but fail to start server.
Please help me setup postgresql in ubuntu(Termux).
i know there is postgresql package in termux repo but it has limitations.


Looks like postgresql have some issues with proot ( it won't work properly in root cause of I'd 0 hack in proot )

But it's just with the root user having a lot of trouble.

After some workarounds I managed to start and login posgres cluster SQL

Here is what you can do

Login to a non-root user ( ex: udroid its udroid de build )

read this for creating your own non-root users in proot environments: udroid_wiki/non-root-users

Then chown the ssh key for current user

chown $USER:$USER "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key"

Create a cluster

pg_createcluster 14 main --start

Connect to cluster with default db postgres

psql -d postgres

That should work


And sorry for the late response I was on a vacation ✌️

Looks like postgresql have some issues with proot ( it won't work properly in root cause of I'd 0 hack in proot )

But it's just with the root user having a lot of trouble.

After some workarounds I managed to start and login posgres cluster SQL

Here is what you can do

Login to a non-root user ( ex: udroid its udroid de build )

read this for creating your own non-root users in proot environments: udroid_wiki/non-root-users

Then chown the ssh key for current user

chown $USER:$USER "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key"

Create a cluster

pg_createcluster 14 main --start

Connect to cluster with default db postgres

psql -d postgres

That should work

Screenshot_20221024-214607_Termux.jpg Screenshot_20221024-222814_Termux.jpg

And sorry for the late response I was on a vacation ✌️

Your Late response is very helpfull and usefull 👌