

pcshetty opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Thanks for this easy to use lib for OTA updates.

I was testing this lib to check if I can use this to pull repo from https://gitlab.com/ and I get this error when I try.

NotImplementedError: Redirects not yet supported

OTA = senko.Senko(user="myusername", repo="myreponame", url="https://gitlab.com", working_dir="app2", files=["main.py"])

( this error is coming from the urequests.py lib)
Any idea on how to fix this?

i tried this ( RAW) URL and it works fine.

OTA = senko.Senko(user="netdevopstraining", repo="micropython_ota_test", url="https://gitlab.com/netdevopstraining/micropython_ota_test/-/raw/main/app2", files=["main.py"])

Also wanted to check if this lib will work with private repos.




Thanks for reaching out, Senko was build with only GitHub in mind. ๐Ÿ˜ž

There are two ways to provide repository location:

  1. Provide user and repo - This only works for GitHub.
  2. Provide only url value - Values for user, repo, branch, working_dir are ignored in this case.

Senko currently doesn't support using private repositories, but I will look into that.

If you have any more questions feel free to open another issue. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thanks for the quick response