
Add PAS functions similar to PVS

JarosLucky opened this issue · 4 comments

Perhaps a description is not required? We have very few opportunities to obtain PAS, which may be useful in some cases

I think I saw an issue somewhere about this in Gmod and I wanted to add some functions, but I didn't look into the PAS yet, so I don't know what's possible and how it works

So I looked into it a bit and I don't think the engine has many PAS functions, so I would need to make my own.
What functions would be useful for PAS?

ents.FindInPAS and ENTITY.TestPAS would be fantastic.

Without TestPAS for example, one has to CRecipientFilter:AddPAS, then CRecipientFilter:GetPlayers, then check if the player is in the list, if you want to determine if a specific player can hear a position

So currently I got pas.TestPAS working which should allow you to already most things.
pas.FindInPAS will be added a bit later.
( I should find better names for thoes :| )