
Where to find oauth2 key

jedfonner opened this issue · 2 comments

Thank you very much for this repo, it's been super helpful. I have one question: where did you get the oauth2 key that you added to the manifest file? I checked all the docs and I can't seem to find this anywhere. Thanks in advance!

Sure! thank you for reaching out.

I basically followed the Creating an OAuth Client guideline to obtain the oauth2 key from the firebase quickstart guide, but here are my detailed steps :


  • Go to GCP Project Console
  • Search for Credentials. You should see something like this in the UI


  • Select Create Credentials
  • Select OAuth Client ID
  • Select Chrome App
  • Enter your Chrome Extension/App ID
  • Note the Client ID which is the oauth2 key


Hi, thanks very much. I think the "Client ID" you mention above is what is supposed to go into the client_id field of the oauth2 key. I was asking about the Public Key details you have in the key key underneath oauth2.


However, I think I may have found the answer here: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/apps/app_identity/
It admits to the steps being "not the most graceful task" but basically boils down to getting the public key from the extension folder in the user's data directory. Wild.