
Wi-Fi information not showing on Web-GUI

Closed this issue · 1 comments


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Bug description

Wi-Fi information on GUI shows nothing

Your environment

  1. Operating System: RPI OS 32-bit Lite
  2. Hardware and version: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4
  3. RaspAP version: RaspAP v2.9.2
  4. Clean install of a compatible operating system? Yes
  5. RaspAP Quick Install or Manual setup? Quick Install/Manual
  6. Using default configuration? Yes
  7. Simultaneous AP and managed mode? No
  8. Onboard wireless chipset or external adapter? Onboard
  9. Other software or services running with RaspAP? No

Steps to reproduce

My raspapd.service seems to be starting the uap0 interface on ExecStart, but I don't have it because I am using eth0 (Internet) and wlan0 for (hotspot).The scripts (/etc/raspap/hostapd/servicestart.sh)

seemed to be starting uap0 towards the end with Ifconfig up uap0. Why is it focusing on the interface I don't have? Could that be what's causing the problem?

Additional context

Wlan0 ip range is
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CamScanner 07-27-2023 03 14_1

As the name suggests, the dashboard widget displays info about a configured wireless client - not your AP.
The raspapd.service only manipulates uap0 if AP-STA mode is enabled.