
Custom VPN set up

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem?

There are a lot of new VPN products coming to market
ProtonVPN is now available

Describe the solution you'd like

Plug in CLI config to use ANY of them
For example, for basic functions like connect, status, disconnect, create a cli config page
Path to executable:
executable name:
command to connect:
command to disconnect:
command to turn on logs:
command to check status:
Frequency to check status: ___ seconds
custom command if disconnected:
custom command when connect:
block traffic if connection lost/error:
email if disconnect: y/n
config file location:
custom options:
install url download:

Describe alternatives you've considered

This may simplify administration of RASPAP - offer user options to pick a known type (wireguard, openvpn, etc) and prompt user for normal parms, but this would allow new CLI connect for new vpn software.

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

@frankoz95967943 great suggestion. I reached a similar conclusion while looking at the NordVPN CLI. eg.:

Usage: nordvpn [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

     account        Shows account information
     cities         Shows a list of cities where servers are available
     connect, c     Connects you to VPN
     countries      Shows a list of countries where servers are available
     disconnect, d  Disconnects you from VPN
     groups         Shows a list of available server groups
     login          Logs you in
     logout         Logs you out

There is probably enough commonality among popular CLIs to support a subset of the most often used commands.
I see this likely happening at install-time, given that raspap.sudoers would need to be updated with the executable path, eg.:

www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/nordvpn *

Supported VPN providers and CLIs could be defined in a .json file and read at install time, then used to populate a corresponding web UI at runtime. This also lends itself well to future updates and PRs for new providers.

yip very much agree

I'd like to some day be a contributor to this project - im rusty, its been years since i did any meaningful app work - i did see style guide - id love to see if there is a set up for dev env so i can add some to this very cool project