
No default configuration for wlan1 interface

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  • This is a bug report
  • I observed this bug on a clean install of a supported OS
  • I have followed the project prerequisites
  • I have searched this repository for existing issues
  • I checked the FAQ and official documentation before creating this issue
  • I have read and understand the issue reporting guidelines
  • I have generated a RaspAP debug log and performed a self-diagnosis

Bug description

A popular RaspAP use case is hosting an AP with an external wireless adapter (typically bound towlan1). Saving a configuration for this interface on the Hotspot page returns the status message "DHCP configuration for wlan1 added" when no defaults exist for the interface. If a user chooses Start hotspot immediately thereafter, the SSID is visible but clients will be unable to connect to it.

Your environment

  1. Operating System: RPi OS 64-bit Lite (bookworm)
  2. Hardware and version: RPi 3 Model B
  3. RaspAP version: 3.0-beta
  4. Clean install of a compatible operating system? Yes
  5. RaspAP Quick Install or Manual setup? Quick Install
  6. Using default configuration? Yes
  7. Onboard wireless chipset or external adapter? External
  8. Other software or services running with RaspAP? None

Steps to reproduce

  1. Attach an external wireless adapter bound to wlan1
  2. On the Hotspot > Basic tab, select the interface and configure an AP
  3. Choose "Save settings"
  4. The UI reports "DHCP configuration for wlan1 added"
  5. Choose Restart hotspot
  6. Attempt to connect clients to the SSID
  7. The hostapd logs confirm clients are able to associate with the AP, but do not receive an IP address
  8. Relevant contents of dhcpcd.conf appears as below:
# RaspAP wlan1 configuration
interface wlan1
static ip_address=/0
static routers=
static domain_name_server=



Additional context

It's possible for the user to avoid this by defining these values on the DHCP Server settings page before (re)starting the AP. However, this requires an additional step and the message indicates the action is already done.

Proposed solution: a default subnet for wlan1 is a simple fix that will lead to less frustration.