
[Bug]: Bridge-Mode breaking access to SSH / WebUI

Closed this issue · 1 comments

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Operating System

Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite Bookworm

Quick install or Manual setup?

Quick install

Onboard wireless chipset or external adapter?

Onboard wireless chipset


Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

RaspAP version

3.0 (Latest)

Other software or services running with RaspAP?

No other software

Contact details (optional)


Bug description

After setting the Bridge-Mode slider on the Web-UI and rebooting, you will loose all access to SSH and the Web-UI of RaspAP. This is because of a deep oversight:

The Raspberry devs have no native way to set up a static IP address. You are actually encouraged to set a DHCP reservation. RaspAP installs DHCPcd that sets the interfaces via DHCPcd.conf located under /etc/DHCPcd.conf. A breaking bug cuts off all access to ones raspberry pi, because it was not considered, that a user might not configure a static IP. Omitting the interface "eth0" from "blockedinterfaces eth0 wlan0" solves the issue.

A problem ontop of that is, that this behaviour or additional steps to be taken are no where documented. What is documented is wrong too, because the Pi can't get an address anymore and is unreachable from a routers lease.

Steps to reproduce

  • Install Pi
  • Use DHCP reservation
  • Install RaspAP following documentation
  • Nothing installed but control service (should be called daemon)
  • Set Bridge-Mode slider
  • Don't make changes to /etc/DHCPcd.conf
  • Reboot


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Additional context

Im a mere Microsoft Server SysAdmin sometimes meddling with linux. After breaking it with an update I spent almost 8hrs to get it working again, after it breaking over and over on me again. I don't fully understand some workings, even though I prefer debian but still.. that was some hardcore issue finding.

Before any cryouts appear that routers work differently: Im using an EdgeRouter X from Unifi and they're a longterm big player when it comes to networking. Many professionals are employing their devices and I would put my first born son as a bet on the table, they are following the RFCs available.

Relevant log output

No response

After further tinkering the described workaround was a drowsy oversight of me. It is necessary to block both interfaces from grabbing a DHCP lease.
The issue lies with the bridge, that doesn't grab a DHCP lease or static IP. Weirdly enough after correct configuration WiFi works but without access to the pi.

After even more tinkering I got it to work, although without RaspAP: