
Exception in callback functions

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently, when an exception occurs within a callback function; handling that exception is very difficult.

Here are several examples listed (imho) in order of severity (greatest -> least)

  1. An exception occurs in a callback handler after transforming a Promise to a Future.t. This is particularly insidious because it effectively squelches the error; unless the user has the unhandled-rejection process handler defined.


  testAsync("fromPromise (exception in callback)", done_ => {

    let expected = "TestFutureJs.TestError,2,confused!";
    let nodeFn = (callback) => callback(TestError("confused!"));
    let promise = Js.Promise.make((~resolve as _, ~reject) => {
      nodeFn((err) => reject(. err));
    let future = () => FutureJs.fromPromise(promise, errorTransformer);
    |. Future.tap(_ => Js.log("huh? - 1"))
    |. Future.mapOk(_ => raise(TestError("oh the noes!")))
    |. Future.tap(_ => Js.log("huh? - 2"))
    |. Future.get(r => {
      switch(r) {
      | Belt.Result.Ok(_) => raise(TestError("shouldn't be possible"))
      | Belt.Result.Error((s)) => s |. equals(expected)
  1. An exception occurs in a callback handler after an asynchronous operation. This causes problems because the exception cannot be caught by the traditional try/catch mechanism. Wrapping the call in a Promise may be a solution, though probably a bad one.


  testAsync("mapOk (async exception)", done_ => {
    delay(25, () => Belt.Result.Ok("ignored"))
    |. Future.tap(_ => Js.log("mapOk-async-exception-1"))
    |. Future.mapOk(_ => raise(TestError("boom, goes the dynamite!")))
    |. Future.tap(_ => Js.log("mapOk-async-exception-2"))
    |. Future.get(r => {
      switch (r) {
      | Ok(_) => raise(TestError("shouldn't be possible"));
      | Error(TestError(s)) =>
        s |. equals("boom, goes the dynamite!");
      | Error(e) => raise(TestError(Js.String.make @@ e));
  1. An exception occurs in a callback handler after a synchronous operation. This exception can be caught by a traditional try/catch, however, the behavior is surprising, at least it was to me.


  test("mapOk (sync exception)", () => {
    |. Future.value
    |. Future.mapOk(_ => raise(TestError("boom, goes the dynamite!")))
    |. Future.get(r => switch (r) {
      | Ok(_) => raise(TestError("shouldn't be possible"))
      | Error(TestError(s)) => s |. equals("boom, goes the dynamite!")
      | Error(e) => raise(TestError(Js.String.make @@ e))

For (1), newer versions of node should report uncaught rejections (for the record; in chat you mentioned how jest / ospec were squelching it somehow).

(2) and (3) are due to Future's decision to delegate error handling to the user. The solution is to wrap your code in a try/catch but within the mapOk itself. That way you can convert the error to a more appropriate type.

At least, that's what I think. Are these suggestions missing anything?

I think that covers why the current behavior exists. Perhaps it is best solved with documentation then? The behavior (especially (1)) was very surprising to me.