
Ravend Header / Block data doesn't persist between restarts

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the issue

I've started ravend and it took roughly 6 hours to download all headers and blocks, after which the server is perfectly functional giving me latest blocks and transactions upon my API requests. However every time I restart the process ravend resyncs from the beginning all over again, and it takes roughly the same amount of time to finish re-downloading headers and blocks before catching up to block tip.

Is this expected behavior or did I miss some configuration that alters this behavior?

I'm starting the node with these flags:

/raven/src/ravend \
  -printtoconsole \
  -debug=1 \
  -persistmempool \

And here's the raven.conf I'm using:




rpccontenttype=application/json; charset=utf-8

Can you reliably reproduce the issue?

Yes, simply by restarting the node with above configuration and flags.

Expected behaviour

I expect the header and block data to persist between restart of the process.

Actual behaviour

Header and block data does NOT persist between restarts.

What version of Ravencoin are you using?

Self compiled built off of tag v4.6.1 ( 7864c39)

Machine specs:

  • OS: ubuntu

Any extra information that might be useful in the debugging process.

Please let me know if this helps, I can provide this as needed.

Never ever seen that behaviour on Ubuntu or any other OS.
After restart, it can do some re-syncing/checking some blocks, but that should take seconds.

@crypto-billy once you have ravend open, and it's at full sync, go into the config and comment out reindex=1, then save the file.

You only need reindex the first time opening ravend after changing the config file.

@corviato1 Works like a charm, with reindex=1 commented out it no longer resync the entire chain on restarts.
Thanks for the help 😄